Biomarker Differences in Samples From Patients With Undifferentiated Sarcomas

Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:February 2013

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Observational - SNP Array Analysis of Undifferentiated Sarcomas

This clinical trial studies biomarker differences in samples from patients with
undifferentiated sarcomas. Studying biomarker in tissue samples from patients with cancer in
the laboratory may help doctors identify and learn more about biomarkers related to cancer

Study Subtype: Ancillary/Correlative Observational Study Model: Cohort Time Perspective:
Prospective Biospecimen Retention: Samples With DNA Biospecimen Description: Tissue Study
Population Description: Patients from ARST0332 study Sampling Method: Non-Probability Sample


I. To determine what proportion of unclassifiable sarcomas are unclassifiable because the
initial evaluation was not sufficiently comprehensive versus what proportion can be regarded
as "true" undifferentiated sarcoma when a comprehensive assessment has been performed.

II. To develop formal diagnostic criteria for establishing the diagnosis of undifferentiated

III. To determine whether undifferentiated sarcoma can be subdivided into separate and
distinct pathologic entities that are distinguishable by light microscopy,
immunohistochemistry, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array profiling, or clinical

IV. To determine whether undifferentiated sarcomas with specific "actionable mutations" can
be identified based on their histologic appearance, immunohistochemical staining
characteristics, or SNP array profiling features.


Tissue samples are analyzed for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and SNP array profiling using
microarray and immunohistochemistry.

Inclusion Criteria:

- 49 cases of undifferentiated sarcomas from ARST0332 (additional cases may be
ascertained as eligible for this current project that also fall under ARST0332 to be
requested later if necessary)
We found this trial at
Monrovia, California 91016
Principal Investigator: Julia A. Bridge, MD
Phone: 402-559-7212
Monrovia, CA
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