Preemptive Genotyping and Pain Management

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Chronic Pain
Therapuetic Areas:Musculoskeletal
Age Range:6 - 21
Start Date:March 2013
End Date:April 2021

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Preemptive Genotyping of Children and Adolescents at Risk for Surgery and Subsequent Pain Management

The purpose of this study is to see if testing for genes related to pain and pain management
before surgery affects how patients are treated for pain after surgery. The investigators
want to know if this information will be used to effectively treat patients for pain after
surgery if the clinical staff have a chance to review it before the surgery.

Purpose: To determine the feasibility of preemptive (preoperative) cytochrome P450 isoenzyme
(CYP2D6) testing and the variability of clinical measures (postoperative) in children whose
opioid selection and dosing is influenced by preemptive CYP2D6 testing compared to children
whose pain management does not include CYP2D6 preemptive testing. Results from this pilot
study will inform a future study investigating the utility of preemptive pharmacogenomic
testing in children at risk for requiring inpatient acute pain management with opioids.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Children, 6-17 years of age and adults, 18 - 21 years with idiopathic scoliosis
and/or pectus excavatum scheduled for surgical clinic visit

- BMI < 30

- Cognitively able to use a 0 - 10 numerical rating scale (NRS) to report level of pain

- Parents give permission (and children give assent when appropriate) or adult
participants give consent for CYP2D6 results to be placed in Cincinnati Children's
Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC's) EPIC

Exclusion Criteria:

- • Who had prior surgery for idiopathic scoliosis and/or pectus excavatum

- Who have prior CYP2D6 testing or Genetic Pharmacology Service (GPS) Psychiatry
Panel documented in EPIC

- Who are taking prescription medication known to inhibit or induce CYP2D6

- Who are taking prescription medication known to inhibit (e.g. voriconazole) or
induce (e.g. carbamazepine and rifampin) CYP3A4

- Who have liver or renal failure

- Who have history of narcotic abuse
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