Home or Office Visit for the Insertion of Implantable Birth Control

Therapuetic Areas:Reproductive
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 2013
End Date:April 2014
Contact:Suji Uhm, B.S.

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Home or Office Visit for Insertion of Etonogestrel Implant: A Pilot Study

This is a pilot study in which women who desire an etonogestrel implant will be randomized
to either a home or office insertion visit. The purpose of this research is to study the
interest in, feasibility of, and rates of insertion for implantable birth control
(Implanon®/Nexplanon®) when inserted at home visit appointments compared to standard office
visit appointments.

The ultimate goal of the study is to reduce barriers to insertion of the etonogestrel
implant and increase consistent and correct contraception use by introducing a previously
unexplored method of access, the home visit.

Inclusion criteria

- Women aged 18 and over

- Was pregnant within the last 10 weeks

- Interested in using the etonogestrel implant for contraception

- Willing to have investigators come to the home for an insertion visit

- Presenting to University Hospitals for delivery or contraception.

- Has running water and a working bathroom in the home

- Has a safe and private location in the home for the implant to be inserted

Exclusion criteria

- Current or history of thrombosis or thromboembolic disorders

- Liver tumors or active liver disease

- Undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding

- Known or suspected breast cancer or history of breast cancer

- Allergic reaction to components (ethylene vinylacetate, etonogestrel, barium sulfate)
of etonogestrel implant or local anesthetics

- Women currently taking hepatic enzyme inducers including but not exclusive to
barbiturates, bosentan, carbamazepine, felbamate, griseofulvin, oxcarbazepine,
phenylbutazone, phenytoin, rifampin, topiramate, protease inhibitors, and St. John's

- Uncontrolled hypertension

- Housing located greater than 10 miles from University Hospitals Center for Women's

- The location of the home is in a place that would not be safe for investigators

- Participant is homeless
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Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Cleveland, OH
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