Xylitol Disk Use in Adults With Dry Mouth

Conditions:Other Indications
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:March 2013
End Date:July 2013
Contact:Marilynn Rothen, RDH, MS

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XyliMelts Ability to Reduce Mutans Streptococci in Adults With the Perception of Dry Mouth

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate whether decay causing bacteria are reduced when
adhesive xylitol disks are used intraorally three times a day for two weeks in adults with
dry mouth.

Xylitol,an FDA approved sugar substitute, has been shown to reduce tooth decay. Patients
who experience dry mouth may be more susceptible to dental decay because they lack the
protection provided by an adequate flow of saliva. These patients are likely to have high
levels of the decay causing bacteria, mutans streptococci.

The purpose of this research is to test the ability of a novel xylitol delivery vehicle to
reduce mutans streptococci in patients with dry mouth over a two week period. The delivery
vehicle is a slowly dissolving xylitol disk (lozenge) that adheres to soft tissues inside
the mouth. Participants will place disks on both sides of the mouth three times a day.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Adults 21 years old or older

- Daily use of at least 2 prescription medications known to cause dry mouth

- Current report of dry mouth

Exclusion Criteria:

- Antibiotic use in the last month

- Topical oral antimicrobial (e.g. Chlorhexidine rinse) use in the last month

- Change in medication or dose within the last month

- Use of mouthwash within the last week

- Use of lozenges or chewing gum with 500 mg or more of xylitol on a habitual basis

- History of gastrointestinal disease
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