Understanding Disparities in Quitting in African American and White Smokers

Conditions:Smoking Cessation
Therapuetic Areas:Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:February 2013
End Date:April 2017

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The purpose of this study is to describe the differences in quitting smoking between African
Americans (AA) and White smokers treated with varenicline.

While many studies have evaluated the use of drugs for quitting smoking among Whites, few
have assessed efficacy with AAs. Racial/ethical differences in smoking are well documented.
AAs smoke less than White smokers but experience disproportionately greater smoking disease
and death.

Past studies by the researchers in this study looked at how effective other smoking cessation
methods are in AAs. These methods included nicotine gum, nicotine patch and buproprion
sustained release. This study will be evaluating varenicline in both AA and White smokers.
There has not been a study conducted yet to prospectively research AA-White differences in
smoking cessation and also to examine potential causal pathways explaining AA-White
differences in quitting.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Non-Hispanic African American or non-Hispanic White

- ≥ 18 years of age

- Smoked 3-20 cigarettes per day

- Smoked on >25 days of the past 30 days

- Functioning telephone

- Interested in quitting smoking

- Interested in taking 3 months of varenicline

- Willing to complete all study visits

Exclusion Criteria:

- Renal impairment

- Evidence or history of clinically significant allergic reactions to varenicline

- A cardiovascular event in the past month Hospitalization in the past 2 months for any
cardiovascular disease, including but not limited to:

- Angina

- Myocardial infarction

- Peripheral vascular disease

- Stroke

- New onset of chest pain or arrhythmia in the past 2 months

- History of alcohol or drug dependency in the past year

- Major depressive disorder in the last year requiring treatment

- History of panic disorder, psychosis, bipolar disorder, or eating disorders

- Use of tobacco products other than cigarettes in past 30 days

- Use of pharmacotherapy in the month prior to enrollment, including prior use of

- Pregnant, contemplating getting pregnant, or breastfeeding

- Plans to move from Kansas City during the treatment and follow-up phase

- Another household member enrolled in the study
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