Uterine Leiomyoma Treatment With Radiofrequency Ablation

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Cervical Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:July 2013
End Date:June 2019

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The ULTRA study is a single-arm trial of 100 premenopausal women with symptomatic uterine
fibroids who undergo treatment with the Acessa device. The Acessa device is a new FDA
approved minimally invasive treatment for uterine fibroids that uses radiofrequency energy to
destroy fibroid tissue. The fibroids then shrink and symptoms are significantly improved. The
radiofrequency energy is delivered to the fibroids during an outpatient surgical procedure.
There is minimal blood loss and pain and women return to the usual activities 5-9 days after
the Acessa procedure.

The investigators will evaluate changes in fibroid-related symptoms from before the Acessa
treatment to 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months after Acessa treatment. The investigators
will also assess operative outcomes including procedure duration, complications, blood loss,
post-operative pain, and the time to return to usual activities. The investigators will
determine long-term efficacy of Acessa by evaluating the rate of re-treatment for symptomatic
fibroids after the Acessa procedure.

Study participants will be recruited at 5 sites within the UC Fibroid Network: UC Davis, UC
Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, and UC San Francisco. UC San Francisco will serve as
the Coordinating Center for the trial with oversight of all scientific and administrative
aspects of the study. All study data will be stored securely in a HIPAA compliant, secure
database monitored by the UC San Francisco Coordinating Center. A data safety and monitoring
board will oversee participant safety and protection.


1. Premenopausal (at least 1 menstrual period in last 3 months)

2. Age >21years

3. Fibroids are associated with heavy bleeding, pelvic pressure or discomfort, urinary or
bowel symptoms, or dyspareunia

4. Desires surgical management of fibroids

5. Uterus ≤16 weeks in size

6. All fibroids ≤ 10cm in maximum diameter by ultrasound or MRI assessment within the
last year.

7. Total number of fibroids ≤6 by ultrasound or MRI assessment within the last year. (For
this study "Fibroids" will be leiomyomas > 2cm)

8. Had a Pap smear within the last 3 years with appropriate follow-up and treatment for
cellular abnormalities

9. Endometrial biopsy indicates no hyperplasia or cancer (biopsy only required if age >45
years and has anovulatory heavy bleeding)

10. Able to tolerate laparoscopic surgery

11. Able to give informed consent


1. Planned treatment for infertility

2. Pedunculated fibroid with thin stalk (total stalk length is <25% maximum diameter of

3. Intracavitary (FIGO Type 0) fibroid

4. Symptomatic fibroids are only FIGO Type 1 (submucosal with ≥ 50% intracavitary)

5. Planned concomitant surgical procedure in addition to treatment of uterine fibroids

6. Use of Essure or any other metallic, implantable device within pelvis

7. Pregnancy

8. Pelvic infection with the last 3 months

9. History of pelvic malignancy and/or pelvic radiation

10. Known or high suspicion for dense pelvic adhesions

11. Fibroids treated by myomectomy, uterine artery embolism, radio-frequency ablation, MRI
Guided focused ultrasound, or cryomyolysis within the last 3 months
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