Evaluation of Low-dose Irinotecan and Cyberknife® SBRT to Treat Colorectal Cancer With Limited Liver Metastasis

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Liver Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:October 2013
End Date:October 2025

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Prospective Evaluation of Low-dose Irinotecan and Cyberknife® Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Patients With Colorectal Cancer and Limited Liver Metastasis

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of CyberKnife stereotactic body
radiotherapy in combination with irinotecan chemotherapy in patients with colon or rectal
cancer that has spread to the liver.

Conventional radiation therapy has a limited role in the treatment of patients with liver
metastases because the radiation doses are limited by liver toxicity. The CyberKnife system
is a type of radiation machine that precisely focuses large doses of x-rays on the tumor, so
that injury from radiation to the nearby normal tissue will be minimal. It is approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat tumors, lesions and conditions anywhere in the
body when radiation therapy is required. While the device is no longer classified as
"investigational", the best treatment dose and times are still being evaluated.

Chemotherapy delivered with radiation therapy can increase the effectiveness of treatment,
and may allow for a lower dose of radiation therapy to be utilized, thereby limiting negative
side effects.

In this study, patients will receive Cyberknife radiosurgery directed to liver metastasis for
3-5 treatments, given every other day. Irinotecan 40mg/m2 will be administered intravenously
daily for 3-5 days (5 treatments within 10 elapsed days), and prior to radiation therapy.
Patients will have follow-up visits at months 1,2,4,6,9,12,15,18, 24, 30, 36, and every 6
months thereafter for 3 years.

- Age>18 years

- Histologically confirmed primary colorectal cancer

- Stage IV colorectal cancer with
- CT scan or MRI of the abdomen with contrast, 60days prior to enrollment

- If patient is allergic to contrast, imaging without contrast is acceptable

- Positron-Emission Tomography 60 days prior to enrollment

- No additional sites of metastasis at the time of protocol enrollment. History of other
sites of metastasis that are currently controlled are acceptable.

- No malignant ascites

- At least 4 weeks from any chemotherapy

- No prior liver radiation therapy

- ECOG performance status 0-1

- Life expectancy>3months

- Laboratory evaluations completed 60 days prior to treatment including CMP, CBC with
differential, liver function test, and prothrombin time.
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Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
(847) 723-2210
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