Prone Patient Positioning in Reducing Tumor Motion and Improving Breathing Reproduction in Patients With Lung Cancer Undergoing Radiation Therapy

Conditions:Lung Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:May 2010
End Date:September 2015

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Pulmonary Tumor Motion Reduction and Improved Breathing Reproducibility by Prone Patient Positioning in Radiation Therapy

This clinical trial studies prone patient positioning in reducing tumor motion and improving
breathing reproduction in patients with lung cancer undergoing radiation therapy. Prone
patient positioning during radiation therapy may help kill tumor cells without harming
normal tissue.


I. Quantify the three-dimensional tumor and normal tissue (thoracic and abdominal) motion,
deformation and volume changes with the respiratory cycle during imaging in prone vs. supine

II. Quantify the three-dimensional tumor and normal tissue (thoracic and abdominal) motion,
deformation and volume changes with the respiratory cycle and alterations thereof during a
radiotherapy series.


Patients undergo one conventional computed tomography (CT) scan and one 4 dimensional CT (4D
CT) scan in both supine and prone positioning before undergoing radiation therapy.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Measurable disease on the planning computed tomography (CT) scan

- Patients with lung cancer visible on fluoroscopic imaging or planning CT who are
scheduled to receive external beam radiation treatment will be eligible for this

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients requiring continuous supplemental oxygen due to the requirement of
spirometry during all imaging studies

- Pregnant females
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