A Phase 2, Open-Label, Randomized, Parallel Group, Placebo-Controlled, Single-Center Study to Assess Anti-microbial Efficacy and Safety of DCN01 Compared to Unisol® Following Topical Periocular Administration in Healthy Volunteers

Conditions:Infectious Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 2013
End Date:July 2013

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This proof-of-concept study evaluates the clinical efficacy and safety of DCN01 in prepping
of the periocular region.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Have given a written, informed consent

- Be willing and able to follow all instructions

- A negative urine pregnancy test if female of childbearing potential

Exclusion Criteria:

- Known sensitivities to study medication or its components

- Any signs of an active infection

- Use of disallowed products during the period indicated prior to the enrollment or
during the study

- Be currently pregnant, nursing, or planning a pregnancy; or be a woman that has a
positive pregnancy test

- Have a condition or a situation which, in the Investigator's opinion, may put the
subject at increased risk, confound study data, or interfere significantly with the
subject's study participation
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Andover, Massachusetts 01810
Andover, MA
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