Phase Ib Trial of LEE011 With Everolimus (RAD001) and Exemestane in the Treatment of Hormone Receptor Positive HER2 Negative Advanced Breast Cancer

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:September 6, 2013
End Date:September 16, 2019

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A Phase Ib Trial of LEE011 in Combination With Everolimus (RAD001) and Exemestane in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Women With Hormone Receptor Positive, HER2 Negative Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer

Dose Escalation part of the study: To estimate the MTD(s) and/ or RP2D of LEE011 in
combination with everolimus + exemestane, and LEE011 in combination with exemestane, and to
characterize the safety and tolerability of the combinations of everolimus + exemestane +
LEE011 and LEE011 + exemestane in patients with ER+ HER2- advanced breast cancer

Dose Expansion part of the study: To characterize the safety and tolerability of the triplet
combination of LEE011 + everolimus + exemestane in patients naïve or refractory to CDK4/6
inhibitor based therapy, and the safety and tolerability of the doublet combination of LEE011
+ exemestane in patients refractory to CDK4/6 inhibitor based therapy (except patients
treated with prior LEE011 are not allowed in Group 3).

The primary purpose of the phase Ib part of this study is to determine the maximum tolerated
dose(s) (MTD(s)) and/or recommended phase II dose (RP2D) of LEE011 + everolimus + exemestane
in patients with ER+ Her2- advanced breast cancer. This part of the study will also assess
safety, tolerability, and PK of the LEE011 + exemestane, LEE011 + everolimus + exemestane

The Dose Expansion part of the study will evaluate the triple combination of LEE011 +
everolimus + exemestane and the double combination of LEE011 + exemestane for safety and

Inclusion Criteria:

- Adult women (≥ 18 years of age) with metastatic or locally advanced breast cancer

- Histological or cytological confirmation of ER+ and/or PR+ breast cancer

- A representative tumor specimen must be available for molecular testing.

- Postmenopausal women. Postmenopausal status is defined either by:

- Age ≥ 18 with prior bilateral oophorectomy

- Age ≥ 60 years

- Age <60 years with amenorrhea for at least 12 months and both follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH) and estradiol levels are in postmenopausal range (according to the local

- Recurrence while on, or within 12 months of end of adjuvant treatment with letrozole
or anastrozole, or

- Progression while on, or within one month of end of letrozole or anastrozole treatment
for locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer.

- Patients must have:

- Measurable disease*: At least one lesion that can be accurately measured in at
least one dimension ≥ 20 mm with conventional imaging techniques or ≥ 10 mm with
spiral CT or MRI or

- Bone lesions: lytic or mixed (lytic + sclerotic) in the absence of measurable
disease as defined above.

- ECOG Performance Status 0-1.

- Fasting serum cholesterol ≤ 300 mg/dl or 7.75 mmol/L and fasting triglycerides ≤ 2.5 ×
ULN. In case one or both of these thresholds are exceeded, the patient can only be
included after initiation of statin therapy and when the above mentioned values have
been achieved

- Standard 12-lead ECG values defined as the mean of the triplicate ECGs and assessed by
the central laboratory.

- QTcF interval at screening < 450 msec (using Fridericia's correction).

- Resting heart rate 50-90 bpm

Exclusion Criteria:

- HER2-overexpressing patients by local laboratory testing (IHC 3+ staining or in situ
hybridization positive).

- Patients who received more than one chemotherapy line for advanced breast cancer.

- Previous treatment with exemestane or mTOR inhibitors* (Note:

Patients with disease refractory to prior LEE011 are excluded for dose expansion Group 3

- History of brain or other CNS metastases.

- Clinically significant, uncontrolled heart disease and/or recent cardiac
repolarization abnormality including any of the following:

- History of myocardial infarction (MI), angina pectoris, symptomatic pericarditis, or
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) within 6 months prior to study entry

- Documented cardiomyopathy

- Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 50% as determined by Multiple Gated
acquisition scan (MUGA) or echocardiogram (ECHO)

- Long QT syndrome or family history of idiopathic sudden death or congenital long QT
syndrome, and etc.

- Clinically significant cardiac arrhythmias, complete left bundle branch block,
high-grade AV block

- Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) >160 or <90 mmHg

- Patients who are currently receiving treatment with agents that are known to cause QTc
prolongation in humans (Refer to Appendix 3)

- Patients who are currently receiving treatment (within 7 days prior to starting study
treatment) with strong and moderate inhibitors or inducers of CYP3A4/5, substrates of
CYP3A4/5 with a narrow therapeutic index or Herbal preparations/medications (Refer to
Section 6.4 and Appendix 3)

Inclusion Criteria Exceptions for Phase Ib Dose Expansion patients:

Dose Expansion part of the study has 3 groups, following are the Inclusion Criteria
exceptions for these 3 groups

1. Group 1 - Patients must not have received prior treatment with any CDK4/6 inhibitors

2. Group 2 - Patients must have disease progression while on or within one month after
CDK4/6 inhibitor based therapy

3. Group 3 - Patients must have disease progression while on or within one month after
CDK4/6 inhibitor based therapy (except those patients who received prior LEE011 based

Other protocol-defined Inclusion/Exclusion may apply.
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