FACBC PET and PEM as a Staging Tool and Indicator of Therapeutic Response in Breast Cancer Patients

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:May 2013
End Date:August 29, 2017

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This study has been designed to help us determine if FACBC PET or PEM can accurately evaluate
how far the breast cancer has spread in the breast. Also, to help determine if FACBC PET or
PEM can accurately measure your response to chemotherapy.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Women presenting for evaluation at MSKCC with biopsy proven primary IDC or ILC

- No prior therapy for IDC or ILC

- Clinical need for local disease staging with breast MR (Group A only)

- Clinical need for neoadjuvant chemotherapy (Group B only)

- Patients must provide written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Age <21 years

- Men

- Pregnancy or lactation

- Patients who have already started treatment for the current malignancy

- Patients who cannot undergo PET scanning (i.e. because of weight limits)

- Patients who are known to have contraindication for MRI (e.g. metal implants)

- Patients may only participate in group #1 or group #2, but not both
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