Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI) in Pediatric Non-Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Subjects

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Other Indications
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:Any - 17
Start Date:May 2013
End Date:November 2022

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Study of the Nucleus 24 and ABI541 Auditory Brainstem Implants in Pediatric Non-Neurofibromatosis Type 2

The purpose of this research study is to determine whether Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI)
can improve hearing in children who are deaf and cannot receive a cochlear implants.

The goal of this MEEI Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI) research study is to find new ways to
improve hearing in children who are deaf and cannot receive a cochlear implant. The ABI is a
surgically placed bionic implant that converts sounds into electrical signals that are
directly transmitted to the cochlear nucleus, the first auditory center of the brain. For
many years, ABIs have improved the hearing of patients who are deaf due to brain tumors
associated with a genetic syndrome called Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2). However, a number
of recent studies suggest that deaf patients who do not have NF2 and are not eligible for a
cochlear implant may also benefit from placement of an ABI. These preliminary studies suggest
that these non-NF2 or "nontumor" patients may actually have better outcomes after ABI surgery
than patients suffering from NF2. Children appear to be particularly good candidates because
of their developmental plasticity and in many studies, outcomes are more favorable in
children that adults. Patients who do not have NF2 and are deaf due to abnormalities in their
hearing nerves or inner ears from congenital malformations, infection, disease, or injury are
not cochlear implant candidates and there are no other options to improve hearing in these
cases except for the ABI. Thus, the purpose of our study is to carefully analyze whether ABI
surgery improves the hearing and quality of life of non-NF2 children based on subjective and
objective measures of their hearing before and after ABI surgery. In particular, we plan to
study ABI outcomes in non-NF2 pediatric patients, characterize the parameters used on their
devices, and determine the safety profile of ABIs in these patients.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Pre-linguistic hearing loss (birth-5 yrs.; age at ABI implantation 18 months-5yrs)
with both:

1. MRI +/- CT evidence of one of the following:

- Cochlear nerve deficiency

- Cochlear aplasia or severe hypoplasia

- Severe inner ear malformation

- Post-meningitis ossification

2. When a cochlea is present or patent with a normally appearing cochlear nerve,
lack of significant benefit from CI despite consistent use (>6 mo.)

- No or limited speech perception ability (limited to pattern perception on
closed set testing materials using the CI)

- Lack of progress in auditory skills development

2. Post-linguistic hearing loss (<18 yrs. of age) with both:

1. Loss or lack of benefit from appropriate CI without the possibility for revision
or contralateral implantation. Examples might include:

- Post-meningitis ossification

- Bilateral temporal bone fractures with cochlear nerve avulsion

- Failed revision CI without benefit

2. Previously developed open set speech perception and auditory-oral language skills

3. No medical contraindications

4. Willing to receive the appropriate meningitis vaccinations

5. No or limited cognitive/developmental delays which would be expected to interfere with
the child's ability to cooperate in testing and/or programming of the device, in
developing speech and oral language, or which would make an implant and subsequent
emphasis on aural/oral communication not in the child's best interest

6. Strong family support including language proficiency of the parent(s) in the child's
primary mode of communication as well as written and spoken English.

7. Reasonable expectations from parents including a thorough understanding:

- of potential benefits and limitations of ABI

- of parental role in rehabilitation

- that the child may not develop spoken language as a primary communication mode or
even sufficient spoken language to make significant academic progress in an
aural/oral environment

8. Involvement in an educational program that emphasizes development of auditory skills
with or without the use of supplementary visual communication.

9. Able to comply with study requirements including travel to investigation sites and
clinic visits.

10. Informed consent for the procedure from the child's parents.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Pre- or post-linguistic child currently making significant progress with CI - This
will be considered if a child is progressing along the expected speech reception
hierarchy (SRI-Q) as detailed by Wang et al (50). Even for the very young children (18
months of age with 6 months of use), nearly all children with a good auditory signal
from their CI will have reached ceiling effects on the IT-MAIS and have pattern
perception beyond chance using the ESP (50). Moreover, there will evidence of
improvement in these metrics over time.

2. MRI evidence of one of the following:

- normal cochlea and cochlear nerves or NF2

- brainstem or cortical anomaly that makes implantation unfeasible

3. Clear surgical reason for poor CI performance that can be remediated with revision CI
or contralateral surgery rather than ABI.

4. Intractable seizures or progressive, deteriorating neurological disorder

5. Unable to participate in behavioral testing and mapping with their CI. If this appears
to be an age effect, ABI will be delayed until we can be assured that the child will
be able to participate, as reliable objective measures of mapping are currently not
available for mapping these devices.

6. Lack of potential for spoken language development. This will be considered the case
when evidence of the following exist:

- Severe psychomotor retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, or developmental delays
beyond speech that would preclude usage of the device and oral educational
development. Autism is a special case where there is the potential for delayed
presentation. When early signs are considered present, we will request a
comprehensive developmental assessment for further evaluation prior to
considering routine evaluation.

7. Unable to tolerate general anesthesia (cardiac, pulmonary, bleeding diathesis, etc.).

8. Need for brainstem irradiation

9. Unrealistic expectations on the part of the subject/family regarding the possible
benefits, risks and limitations that are inherent to the procedure and prosthetic

10. Unwilling to sign the informed consent.

11. Unwilling to make necessary follow-up appointments.
We found this trial at
243 Charles St
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
(617) 523-7900
Principal Investigator: Daniel J Lee, MD, FACS
Phone: 617-573-3130
Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary Whether you see our physicians at Mass. Eye and Ear's...
Boston, MA
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