Omega-3 Fatty Acid in Treating Patients With Stage I-III Breast Cancer

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:November 2013
End Date:July 2018

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A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Phase II Clinical Trial of Omega-3 PUFA Dietary Supplementation in Patients With Stage I-III Breast Carcinoma

This phase II clinical trial studies how well omega-3 fatty acid works in treating patients
with stage I-III breast cancer. Studying samples of tissue and blood in the laboratory from
breast cancer patients receiving omega-3 fatty acid may help doctors learn more about the
effects of omega-3 fatty acid on tumor cells.


I. To determine if omega-3 dietary supplementation (omega-3 fatty acid) results in higher
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) levels in surgical specimens of normal and malignant
breast tissue in women who took omega 3 tablets in comparison to those who took placebo.

II. To determine if omega-3 dietary supplementation results in higher PUFA levels in plasma
and red blood cells in women who took omega 3 tablets in comparison to those who took

III. To determine if omega-3 dietary supplementation affects the metabolites of omega-3 and
omega-6 PUFA in surgical specimens of malignant and normal breast tissue in comparison to

IV. To determine if women who take omega-3 dietary supplementation have less proliferation
and greater apoptosis in malignant breast tissue in comparison to women who take placebo.

OUTLINE: Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 treatment arms.

ARM I: Patients receive omega-3 fatty acid orally (PO) daily for 7-14 days.

ARM II: Patients receive placebo PO daily for 7-14 days.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Newly diagnosed stage I to III breast cancer and carcinoma in situ (including lobular
carcinoma in situ [LCIS] and ductal carcinoma in situ [DCIS])

- Breast surgery (lumpectomy or mastectomy) is planned for at least 7 days from the day
of enrollment

- Ability to understand and the willingness to sign an Institutional Review Board
(IRB)-approved written informed consent document

- Tumor measures at least 1 centimeter on imaging or physical exam

Exclusion Criteria:

- Any patient with surgery scheduled < 7days after biopsy

- Patients who are unable to refrain from the use of any NSAID or full-dose
acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)-containing NSAID while taking study drug

- Patients who will receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy are not eligible

- Patients who are currently taking omega-3 fatty acids, as they are unable to be
randomized to placebo

- Patients who have previously taken omega-3 fatty acid within 1 month prior to study

- Patients with an allergy or known hypersensitivity to fish
We found this trial at
Medical Center Boulevard
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157
Principal Investigator: Greg Kucera, PhD
Phone: 336-716-6348
Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University Our newly expanded Comprehensive Cancer Center is the...
Winston-Salem, NC
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