Low Dose Ketamine VR Analgesia During Burn Care Procedure

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - 85
Start Date:July 2012
End Date:June 2015

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Low Dose Ketamine to Enhance VR Analgesia During Painful Burn Care Procedure.

The purpose of the research is to see whether a low dose of ketamine, a medication used to
reduce pain, enhances the effectiveness of a virtual reality video game, which is used as a
form of distraction from pain during a painful burn care procedure.

This study is conducted in a hospital setting. It is a randomized controlled trial comparing
the use of virtual reality distraction (VRD) and standard pain medications to the use of
VRD, standard pain medications and a single low dose of ketamine as a means to reduce pain
during a painful procedure in patients in the hospital.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age greater than or equal to 18 years

- Compliant and able to complete questionnaires

- No history of psychiatric disorder

- Not demonstrating delirium, psychosis or any form of Organic Brain Disorder

- Able to communicate verbally

- English-speaking

- IV access already in place

Exclusion Criteria:

- Age less than 18 years

- Not capable of indicating pain intensity

- Not capable of filling out study measures

- Evidence of traumatic brain injury

- History of psychiatric disorder

- Demonstrating delirium, psychosis or any form of Organic Brain Disorder and
associated memory problems

- Unable to communicate orally

- Receiving prophylaxis for alcohol or drug withdrawal

- Developmental disability

- Any face/head/neck injuries that interfere with the use of Virtual Reality equipment

- Non-English Speaking

- Extreme susceptibility to motion sickness

- Seizure history

- No IV access already in place
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