CBPR Strategies to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Ohio Appalachia

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:51 - 75
Start Date:September 2009
End Date:December 31, 2020

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Community-Based Participatory Research(CBPR)Strategies in Increasing Colorectal Cancer(CRC)Screening in Participants in Ohio Appalachia

The purpose of this project is to implement and evaluate an intervention to increase and
sustain rates of use of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening among men and women aged 50 and
older in 6 intervention counties in Appalachia Ohio. Researchers will employ community-based
participatory research (CBPR) in combination with two CRC interventions that have been
developed and piloted with community partners to improve CRC screening


I. Utilize CBPR methods to develop specific county-level media campaigns and a clinic-based
chart reminder for 12 Ohio Appalachia counties focused on CRC screening or an attention
control message.

II. Implement and test, using a group-randomized design, a staggered county-wide intervention
program that consists of county-specific media campaigns, clinic-specific chart reminder
systems, and a combination of both strategies in 6 randomly selected intervention counties
vs. an attention control condition in 6 randomly selected control counties.

III. Utilize process and outcome evaluation strategies to assess the efficacy of each

IV. Utilize the results to plan the dissemination of the intervention into 36 Appalachian
counties in 6 additional states of the Appalachia Community Cancer Network (ACCN) in a
subsequent study.

OUTLINE: Participants are randomized to 1 of 2 arms.

Arm I: Participants are exposed to the "Get Behind Your Health!" media campaign intervention
comprising 3 phases: the media campaign, the medical chart reminder, and a combination of
media campaign and chart reminder. Participants also undergo telephone interviews during
years 2-4.

Arm II: Participants are exposed to a media campaign, patient education material in clinics,
and a combination related to healthy eating, "PEACHES" (Promoting Education in Appalachia on
Cancer and Healthy Eating Styles). Participants also undergo telephone interviews during
years 2-4.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Have a working phone number

- Resident of one of the 12 study counties

- Lived in that study county since the start of the project

- No prior history of CRC, familial/hereditary cancer syndrome (e.g. hereditary
non-polyposis CRC), polyps, or inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease)

- Not currently pregnant

- Be in good health (i.e., no contraindications to CRC screening)

Exclusion Criteria:

- No working phone number

- Not a resident of one of the 12 study counties

- Does not live in the study county since the start of the project

- Has a prior history of CRC, familial/hereditary cancer syndrome (e.g. hereditary
non-polyposis CRC), polyps, or inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease)

- Is currently pregnant

- Not in good health(i.e.has contraindications for CRC screening)
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Columbus, OH
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