Study of Prophylactic Topical Dapsone 5% Gel Versus Moisturizer for Cetuximab-induced Papulopustular (Acneiform) Rash in Patients With mCRC or HNSCC Without Previous or Concurrent RT

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Dermatology
Therapuetic Areas:Dermatology / Plastic Surgery, Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:August 2013
End Date:September 2015

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A Phase III Randomized Double-blind Study of Prophylactic Topical Dapsone 5% Gel Versus Moisturizer for Cetuximab-induced Papulopustular (Acneiform) Rash in Patients With mCRC or HNSCC Without Previous or Concurrent RT

The purpose of this study is to see if the investigators can prevent or reduce the severity
of the Cetuximab-related acne rash. Two different topical agents will be applied to the
skin. One topical agent is the dapsone gel and the other is a skin moisturizer. Dapsone gel
is an FDA approved medication that you apply to the face. It is commonly used to treat acne.
Skin moisturizers are recommended to patients who receive Cetuximab treatment. In addition
to these topical agents they will be given a pill to take once a day. This pill has already
been shown to help fight rashes from Cetuximab.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients 18 years or older with underlying diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer
or head and neck squamous cell carcinoma including newly diagnosed patient

- Patients must provide written informed consent to participate in the study

- Anticipated initiation of cetuximab treatment with or without additional

- Able to self-administer topical interventions or provide for another person to apply
the topical interventions

Exclusion Criteria:

- Females of childbearing potential who are pregnant or nursing

- Patients with allergy, hypersensitivity or other contraindication to dapsone, sulfa
antibiotics, or excipients of the dapsone gel product

- Patients with pre-existing dermatologic condition affecting the face and chest that
would impair assessment of papulopustular rash including dense and/or long facial
hair (per investigator discretion)

- Patients currently using prescription and/or over-the-counter topical medications to
the face and/or chest who are unwilling to discontinue use during the trial
intervention period (day 0 ± 2 days through day 28 ± 2 days)

- Previous or concurrent radiation therapy to head, neck, and chest (i.e. application
sites only)

- Previous therapy with cetuximab within 6 months of consent
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