A Pilot Trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Depression in Patients With Prostate, Colorectal, Lung and Pancreatic Cancer

Conditions:Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Depression, Depression, Pancreatic Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology, Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:18 - 75
Start Date:April 2012
End Date:May 2015

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There is now overwhelming evidence documenting the efficacy of psychotherapy in the
treatment of depression in the general population. Surprisingly, however, given the high
prevalence of depression in cancer patients, there are very few studies on the efficacy of
psychotherapy in this population. Published studies of psychotherapy in cancer patients
generally include patients with high heterogeneity of psychiatric diagnosis and frequently
include patients without a psychiatric diagnosis, with the aim of preventing the appearance
of a psychiatric disorder. This heterogeneity complicates the interpretation of the efficacy
and specificity of these interventions. Specifically, the efficacy of psychotherapy for
major depression in patients with cancer is unknown.

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a brief, manualized therapy that has shown efficacy in
the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in several controlled trials. This study
will test the efficacy of IPT in a group of prostate, colorectal, lung and pancreatic cancer
patients with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder.

We will test the efficacy of IPT using a variety of outcome measures at different time
points of the treatment. Those scales will evaluate the patient's depressive symptoms,
psychosocial functioning and quality of life. Patients that are deemed eligible for the
study will have IPT for twelve weeks. Patients will receive twelve 50-minute sessions over
16 weeks. To facilitate access to treatment, sessions 1,2,3,4, 8 and 12 will be in person,
while all others will in be person or over the telephone according to the patient's choice.
Sessions will be audiotaped and periodically reviewed by experienced supervisors to assess
therapist's adherence to IPT technique. This taping will be optional and is covered in a
separate consent form. This pilot study is to prove feasibility and acceptability of IPT in
this population and to show preliminary efficacy.

Inclusion Criteria:

- A primary psychiatric diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder as defined by DSM-IV

- Diagnosis of prostate, colorectal, lung or pancreatic cancer (stage 1-4)

- A score of 16 or above in the 17-item HAM-D (Hamilton depression scale)

- Male or female ages 18-75.

- Ability to give consent

- English and/ or Spanish Speaking

Exclusion Criteria:

- Lifetime history of psychosis or bipolar disorder

- History of substance abuse or dependence in the three months prior to the study.

- Current suicide risk.

- Patients who have ever failed IPT in the context of cancer.

- Patients who are receiving effective medication for depression

- Patients with T3, T4 and THS abnormal values
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