Treat and Extend Therapy Study Using Intravitreal Aflibercept for Patients Exited From Protocol VGFT-OD 0910

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:October 2013
End Date:July 2016

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Treat and Extend Therapy Using Intravitreal Aflibercept (IAI) for Previously Treated Patients Exiting the Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration Extension Study (0910)

The purpose of this research study is to determine if a "Treat and Extend" regimen
(increasing the time between visits when the disease is stable and not getting worse) of
aflibercept 2.0mg injections inside the eye for treating patients with Wet Age-related
Macular Degeneration.

After exiting VGFT-OD 0910, patients will be enrolled into RANGE, a longterm extension trial
evaluating the safety and efficacy of aflibercept IAI utilizing a "treat and extend"
regimen. Using pre-specified re-treatment criteria, treatment intervals will be variable
with dosing of the active treatment at least every 12 weeks.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Previous enrollment in 0910-extension study evaluating intravitreal aflibercept
injection (NCT 00964795) without early study discontinuation prior to sponsor early

- Patients are enrolled within 90 days of site activation (all attempts will be made to
ensure IAI is given once exited from the 0910-extension and prior to enrollment).

- Willing and able to comply with clinical visits and study related procedures.

- Provide signed informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Prior treatment with verteporfin, or external-beam radiation therapy, or
transpupillary thermotherapy in the study eye

- Previous subfoveal focal laser photocoagulation involving the foveal center in the
study eye

- History of vitrectomy, submacular surgery, or other surgical intervention for AMD in
the study eye

- Any concurrent intraocular condition in the study eye (e.g. diabetic retinopathy or
glaucoma) that, in the opinion of the investigator, could either

- require medical or surgical intervention during the study period to prevent or
treat visual loss that might result from that condition, or

- if allowed to progress untreated, could likely contribute to loss of at least 2
Snellen equivalent lines of best corrected visual acuity over the study period

- Active intraocular inflammation (grade trace or above) in the study eye, or history
of idiopathic or autoimmune-associated uveitis in either eye

- Current vitreous hemorrhage in the study eye

- History of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment or macular hole (Stage 3 or 4) in the
study eye

- Active infectious conjunctivitis, keratitis, scleritis, or endophthalmitis in either

- Aphakia, ACIOL, or unstable PCIOL

- Uncontrolled glaucoma in the study eye (defined as intraocular pressure ≥30 mmHg
despite treatment with anti-glaucoma medication)

- Pregnant or breast-feeding women

- Sexually active men* or women of childbearing potential** who are unwilling to
practice adequate contraception during the study (adequate contraceptive measures
include stable use of oral contraceptives or other prescription pharmaceutical
contraceptives for 2 or more menstrual cycles prior to screening; intrauterine device
[IUD]; bilateral tubal ligation; vasectomy; condom plus contraceptive sponge, foam,
or jelly, or diaphragm plus contraceptive sponge, foam, or jelly)

- Contraception is not required for men with documented vasectomy.

- Postmenopausal women must be amenorrheic for at least 12 months in order
not to be considered of child bearing potential. Pregnancy testing and
contraception are not required for women with documented hysterectomy or
tubal ligation.
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