Impact of MOHO on Therapists Working With Clients in Cancer Population

Conditions:Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:25 - 65
Start Date:August 2013
End Date:August 2017

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Impact of the Introduction of Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) on Clinical Reasoning in Therapists Working With Clients in the Cancer Population

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of an introduction to the occupation-based
theory (MOHO) on the clinical reasoning of therapists working with cancer clients.

The study will occur at MDACC, a comprehensive cancer center in the Texas Medical Center
(TMC) in Houston. The center is the largest freestanding comprehensive cancer center in the
world. The facility provides inpatient and outpatient services and supports research and

The facility has more than 50 buildings in the greater Houston area and in central Texas. The
setting for this study will be the rehabilitation services area on the main campus in the

There are private offices, conference rooms and treatment areas where video chats and monthly
meetings will occur.

The study is projected to occur over a one year period. Sessions will be videotaped (video
chats - initial and follow ups and monthly group meetings) for further review. Analysis of
the tapes will provide data for further research and education presentations. Sessions will
also be audiotaped and transcribed for further review and data analysis purposes. Neither the
videotapes nor audiotapes will be shared with anyone at the facility or any uninvolved
parties. Audiotapes and videotapes will be stored in locked file cabinets and password
protected computers will be used to view and analyze the audio and video tapes. Only the
research team will have access to the stored data locked in the file cabinet.

Inclusion Criteria:

No training in MOHO constructs,English speaking.

Exclusion Criteria:

Training in using MOHO concepts in practice, highly skilled in use of MOHO, and non-English
speaking. If a therapist is skilled and knowledgeable of the constructs of MOHO, there will
be no way to determine if introduction of the model has impacted a therapist's clinical
reasoning. All the materials used for the study will be in English and analysis of data
will be conducted by English speaking individuals, therefore the study participants must
speak English.
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Houston, Texas 77030
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