Comprehensive Gene Sequencing in Guiding Treatment Recommendations Patients With Metastatic or Recurrent Solid Tumors

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:September 3, 2013
End Date:December 31, 2018

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Decision Impact Analysis of Foundation Medicine's Next Generation Sequencing Test in Advanced Solid Tumor Malignancies

This pilot clinical trial studies comprehensive gene sequencing in guiding treatment
recommendations in patients with metastatic or recurrent solid tumors. Studying samples of
blood and tissue from patients with cancer in the laboratory may improve the ability to plan


I. To assess the feasibility and logistics associated with a clinical trial utilizing the
Foundation Medicine Incorporated (FMI) test in an academic therapeutic setting.

II. To determine the proportion of patients who will receive a cancer-related therapy based
on the results provided by the FMI test.


I. To explore and report estimates of progression free survival (PFS) of the regimen
administered after the FMI test results are revealed and the PFS of the most recent regimen
administered before the FMI test results were received.

II. To determine the feasibility of performing Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) on metastatic
tumor tissue.

III. To determine the feasibility of administering cancer-related drugs that are proposed by
the results of NGS that are not Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for a patient's
specific cancer diagnosis.

IV. To collect and report the molecular alterations discovered by NGS of advanced breast and
colorectal cancer.

V. To determine in an exploratory manner the concordance of the genomic alterations detected
by the FMI test in circulating tumor cells (CTCs) to the genomic alterations detected by FMI
test in tumor tissues collected from the same patient.


PART I: Within 10 weeks of beginning a treatment regimen, tumor tissue samples and CTCs from
patients are collected for NGS and FMI testing, respectively. Patients remain on current line
of therapy until a change in treatment is warranted. The physician's treatment recommendation
is documented prior to the release of the FMI results.

PART II: Physicians are furnished with FMI test results when patients become eligible for a
change in therapy and new treatment recommendations are documented. Treatment is dependent on
preferences of the physician, patient, and/or results of the FMI test.

After completion of study, patients are followed up for at least 18 months.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Are able to understand and provide written informed consent (most recent patient
informed consent form) prior to initiation of any study-specific procedures

- Patients are diagnosed with recurrent or metastatic a solid tumor cancer; the first
patients to be enrolled will have a diagnosis of breast cancer (Cohort 1) or
colorectal cancer (Cohort 2)

- Patients may enter this study at any line of therapy

- Patients must have a tumor sample available for NGS testing

- Patients are within 10 weeks of starting their current line of therapy and enrolled
before their 1st computed tomography (CT) scan

- Have an expected survival of >= 3 months, as estimated by the treating oncologist

- Have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) of 0-2

Exclusion Criteria:

- Are pregnant or nursing women

- Are unable to comply with requirements of the study

- Have a serious uncontrolled intercurrent medical or psychiatric illness, including
serious infection
We found this trial at
300 W 10th Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(800) 293-5066
Principal Investigator: Maryam Lustberg, MD
Phone: 614-293-8858
Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute at Ohio State University Medical Center...
Columbus, OH
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