Nexplanon Application Post-Abortion

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Contraception, Contraception
Therapuetic Areas:Reproductive
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 2014
End Date:December 2017

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Immediate vs. Delayed Insertion of Nexplanon After Termination of Pregnancy Over 14-weeks Gestation (NAPA)

Women who receive Nexplanon immediately post abortion will be significantly more likely to be
using the device 6 months after the procedure than those assigned to receive the device 2-4
weeks after the procedure.

Women will be contacted 6 months after their abortion to ask about contraception use and side

Inclusion Criteria:

- 18 years of age and older,

- an intrauterine pregnancy > 14 weeks and <23 6/7 weeks gestation and desire
termination of pregnancy

- desire a Nexplanon for contraception

- able to give informed consent in English

- no contraindications to Nexplanon (based on U.S. CDC Medical Eligibility Criteria for
Contraception) or D&E

Exclusion Criteria:

- unable to give informed consent

- have any of the following medical conditions: active venous thromboembolism, known or
suspected sex-steroid sensitive malignancies, current hepatic disease with abnormal
liver function tests, undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, hypersensitivity to any of the
ingredients in Nexplanon.

- non-surgical management of pregnancy

- prior participation in this study

- breast cancer or a history of breast cancer
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