cMet CAR RNA T Cells Targeting Breast Cancer

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 2013
End Date:August 13, 2018

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Clinical Trial of Autologous cMet Redirected T Cells Administered Intratumorally in Patients With Breast Cancer

An open-label, clinical trial of autologous cMet redirected T cells administered
intratumorally (IT) in patients with breast cancer. Fifteen evaluable patients will be
enrolled in stepwise fashion. Step 1 will enroll patients with metastatic breast cancer
refractory to at least 1 standard therapy, step 2 will include newly diagnosed patients with
operable triple negative breast cancer.

This study is designed to determine the safety and feasibility of intratumoral administration
of autologous T cells that have had genetic material transferred into the cell to redirect
them to target breast cancer cells rather than their usual target. Eligible subjects will
have metastatic breast cancer refractory to at least one standard therapy or to newly
diagnosed with operable triple negative breast cancer.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Step 1 subjects only: metastatic breast cancer patients with an accessible tumor
(cutaneous, subcutaneous, or superficial) and/or palpable adenopathy/mass. The
targeted tumor is accessible (i.e. is not near a great vessel or the spinal cord) and
can be surgically excised or biopsied.

- Step 2 subjects only: Newly diagnosed, operable, triple negative breast cancer, i.e.
ER/PR-negative, her2/neu-negative, with tumor size between 2 - 3 cm (T2) as measured
by either clinical breast exam, mammogram, ultrasound or MRI, with or without
ipsilateral axilla node involvement (N0 or N1).

- cMet expression in ≥ 30% tumor cells as demonstrated on immuno-histochemistry analysis
of archival slides. The intensity for cMet IHC should be greater than or equal to 1+.
Punch biopsy or percutaneous core biopsy may be offered to Cohort 1 patients. To
establish eligibility for patients in step 1, archival tumor tissues from any
previously biopsied metastatic tumor deposit may be used for IHC staining. The
metastatic tumor nodule to be targeted for IT injection may not necessarily be the
same as previously biopsied metastatic site.

- Age > 18 years old

- Baseline Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Clinical Performance Status 0 or 1

- Adequate hematologic function:

WBC > 3.0 Plt > 75,000 Hgb > 10 g/dl Adequate renal function defined as serum creatinine <
1.5 times upper limit of normal

- Adequate hepatic function defined as: Total bilirubin < 1.5 times upper limit of normal,
and ALT and AST < 2.5 times upper limit of normal

- Women of child bearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test (blood or urine)
and agree to use appropriate contraception from study screen through the duration of
the trial. Men must agree to use appropriate contraception from IT injection through
the duration of the trial.

- Signed and dated written informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Step 1 subjects only: Targeted tumor near a great vessel or spinal cord

- Step 2 subjects only: Women already undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy to treat their
primary triple negative breast cancer

- Step 1 and 2 subjects:Positive for HIV-1/HIV-2

- Active hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection

- The anticipated use of the following within 2 weeks prior to apheresis and prior to
planned IT T-cell injection:

Immunosuppressive drugs Cytotoxic chemotherapy (See Section 5.7 for complete details)
Systemic glucocorticoids (steroid prep due to dye allergies prior to staging scans or use
in anti-emetic prophylaxis for patients undergoing chemotherapy is allowed) Hematopoietic
growth factors Other experimental therapy Note: Step 1 patients receiving
non-investigational targeted therapy (lapatinib, trastuzumab, and/or pertuzumab) are
eligible provided these medicines are at a stable dose and the patient began taking them
more than 30 days prior to the planned IT T-cell injection.

- Anticipated use of anti-coagulants such as coumadin, heparin, or Lovenox within 14
days before the planned IT T-cell injection RETIRED AS OF PROTOCOL VERSION 11

- Pregnant women or nursing mothers

- History of alcohol abuse or illicit drug use within 12 months of IT T-cell injection

- Clinically significant comorbid disease or other underlying condition, including major
autoimmune disorders that would contraindicate study therapy or confuse interpretation
of study results

- Significant psychiatric disorder and any other reason that in the Investigator's
opinion would jeopardize protocol compliance or compromise the patient's ability to
give informed consent.

- Prior MI ascertained from medical history and review of systems
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