WEMR With Clinical Decision Support for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Conditions:Gastrointestinal, Podiatry, Diabetes
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics / Podiatry
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:April 2013
End Date:April 2020
Contact:Julie DiGregorio, CCRP
Phone:(516) 663-9614

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Wound Research Database With Clinical Decision Support for Patients With Diabetic Foot Ulcers

The goal of this project to begin using a wound research database with clinical decision
support features at Winthrop University Hospital. A research database is an electronic
computer system that is used to collect patient information. Clinical decision support is
the ability for a computer system to provide medical assistance to the doctor through alerts
and recommendations based on the information entered. The investigators believe that use of
a wound clinical decision support tool, much like a drug, will improve healing in patients
diagnosed with Diabetic Foot Ulcers and ultimately lower the risk of death and illness
caused by these wounds. In order to develop a useful clinical decision support tool,
investigators first need to develop a large research database to determine the data points
important for wound healing. The investigators will be using the data collected in this
study for future research and publication. Data will be reviewed to answer questions
important to diabetic foot ulcer healing and for the purpose of developing the clinical
decision support alert system.

After providing informed consent, participants will be asked a series of questions related
to their past medical history, and relevant wound data will be collected. Study staff will
photograph the wound at baseline, and once per week until the wound is completely healed, or
for a duration of six months.

Participants will be expected to return to Winthrop University Hospital for wound follow-up
on a regular basis, or as determined by the Principal Investigator.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age ≥ 21

- Diabetes Type I, or Type II

- Must have a break in the skin on the plantar aspect of foot, > 0.5cm2

- Willing and able to provide written Informed Consent

Exclusion Criteria:
We found this trial at
259 1st St
Mineola, New York 11501
(516) 663-0333
Principal Investigator: Harold Brem, MD
Phone: 516-663-9614
Winthrop University Hospital Founded in 1896 by a group of local physicians and concerned citizens,...
Mineola, NY
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