Phase 1 LEISH-F3 + SLA-SE Vaccine Trial in Healthy Adult Volunteers

Conditions:Infectious Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:18 - 49
Start Date:April 2014
End Date:December 2015

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A Phase 1, Open-Label Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of the LEISH-F3 + SLA-SE Vaccine Compared to LEISH-F3 + GLA-SE Vaccine in Healthy Adult Subjects

The purpose of this study is to compare the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity in
healthy adult subjects of an investigational vaccine being developed for the prevention of
visceral leishmaniasis.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Males and females 18 to 49 years of age.

- Must be in good general health as confirmed by a medical history and physical exam.

- Female subjects must have a negative serum pregnancy test at screening and a negative
urine pregnancy test on the day of each study vaccination, must not be
breast-feeding, and are required to use one of the following methods of contraception
during the first 3 months of the study: hormonal (e.g., oral, transdermal,
intravaginal, implant, or injection); double barrier (i.e., condom, diaphragm with
spermicide); intrauterine device (IUD) or system (IUS); vasectomized partner (6
months minimum); abstinence; or bilateral tubal ligation (if no conception
post-procedure). These precautions are necessary due to unknown effects that LEISH-F3
+ SLA-SE or LEISH-F3 + GLA-SE might cause in a fetus or newborn infant.

- The following screening laboratory values must be within the normal ranges or not
clinically significant as determined by the PI and Medical Monitor (MM): sodium,
potassium, BUN, ALT, AST, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine, fasting
glucose, total WBC count, hemoglobin, and platelet count.

- The following serology tests must be negative: HIV 1/2 antibody, hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody.

- Negative urine test for recreational drugs and alcohol per Clinical Research Unit

- Urinalysis not clinically significant as determined by the study clinician.

- Must be capable of completing a study memory aid in English.

- Must give informed consent, be able and willing to make all evaluation visits, be
reachable by telephone or personal contact by the study site personnel, and have a
permanent address.

Exclusion Criteria:

- History of possible infection with Leishmania or previous exposure to Leishmania
vaccines or experimental products containing SLA or GLA.

- Veterans who served in the military in the Middle East (Iran, Iraq), Afghanistan, or
any other areas endemic to Leishmania.

- Travelers to, or immigrants from, areas endemic to Leishmania.

- Participation in another experimental protocol or receipt of any investigational
products within the past 3 months.

- Treatment with immunosuppressive drugs (e.g., oral or injected steroids, such as
prednisone; high dose inhaled steroids) or cytotoxic therapies (e.g., chemotherapy
drugs or radiation) within the past 6 months.

- Received a blood transfusion within the past 3 months.

- Donated blood products (platelets, whole blood, plasma, etc.) within past one month.

- Received any vaccine within past 1 month and no planned immunizations while on study
with the exception of seasonal influenza vaccine which should not be given between
Day 0-84 or Day 138-168 due to 30-day washout period prior to immunology blood draws.

- History of autoimmune disease or other causes of immunosuppressive states.

- History or evidence of any acute or chronic illness (including cardiovascular,
pulmonary, neurological, hepatic, rheumatic, hematological, metabolic, or renal
disorders, controlled hypertension), or use of medication that, in the opinion of the
Principal Investigator, may interfere with the evaluation of the safety or
immunogenicity of the vaccine.

- Rash, tattoos, or any other dermatological condition that could adversely affect the
vaccine injection site or interfere with its evaluation.

- BMI, that in the opinion of the Investigator, poses a health risk.

- Hypertension (systolic >150 or diastolic >95).

- History of significant psychiatric illness with current use of medication.

- Known or suspected alcohol or drug abuse within the past 6 months.

- Chronic smoker (> 20 pack years).

- Subjects with a history of previous anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction to
vaccines, eggs, or unknown allergens.

- Subjects who are unlikely to cooperate with the requirements of the study protocol.
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