Monitoring of Overdose Patients With and Without Supplemental Oxygen in the Emergency Department

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:May 2010
End Date:May 2014
Contact:James R Miner, MD

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This study will compare the data from pulse oximeters to capnographers as they are used to
monitor patients who are being observed in the Emergency Department for a suspected overdose
of alcohol or other drugs. The investigators will compare monitor data from patients who are
and are not on supplemental oxygen, the ability of the monitors to predict the occurrence of
airway interventions, and to detect ventilator changes noted on the opposing monitor. There
will not be any interventions during this study other than the collection of data from the
monitors and observation of the care of patients.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Airway is being monitored as a result of overdose

Exclusion Criteria:

- Under 18 years old

- Unable to give informed consent at baseline

- Prisoners
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