Efficacy of Co-administration of an NSAID With a Dopamine Agonist In Healthy Subjects

Conditions:Chronic Pain
Therapuetic Areas:Musculoskeletal
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:May 2014
End Date:January 2015
Contact:Sara E Berger, BA, PhD Candidate

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Study of the Efficacy of Co-administration of an NSAID With a Dopamine Agonist in the Alleviation of Acute Cutaneous Inflammatory Pain in Healthy Subjects

Findings from the investigator's lab and others' show the involvement of the brain's
mesolimbic circuitry in pain perception and evaluation, as well as during the transition
from acute to chronic pain states in both humans and animals. Dopamine (DA) is one of the
main neurotransmitters in this circuitry, and it is possible it could have an intimate role
in pain processing, chronicity, and related anatomical and functional neuroplasticity. In
this study, the investigators first need to know if the combination of l-dopa and Naproxen
is safe and efficacious in humans with acute pain, and if so, at what doses. For the present
study, healthy pain-free participants will be injected with a small bolus of capsaicin
subcutaneously to induce acute cutaneous inflammatory pain. Capsaicin is ideal for this
study because it causes a characteristic inflammatory response that is almost always
accompanied with pain, has a well-validated dose-response curve, and has effects that will
go away completely in a few hours after administration, causing no permanent damage to study
subjects. Effects of capsaicin will be measured by changes (decreases) from baseline in
thermal and tactile thresholds, as well as by verbally reported cutaneous pain levels (on a
scale from 0-10). Participants will also be given study medication in the form of a placebo,
one drug, or a combination of drugs before capsaicin injection to allow for any analgesic
effects to peak before pain onset. For those receiving active medication, they will either
receive Naproxen with placebo or the combination of naproxen and l-dopa (the latter of which
will be in one of two different doses). This will allow the investigators to investigate (1)
whether co-administration of naproxen and l-dopa has analgesic effects in low levels of
acute pain in humans, (2) if this combination is pain-alleviating, whether it is equally as
or more efficacious than naproxen, which is the clinical standard of treatment, and finally
(3) what dose provides the most analgesia.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Must be currently healthy and have none of the exclusion criteria listed below.

- Must be at least 18 years of age.

- Must be able to communicate (speak and write) in English.

- Must demonstrate that they understand what the study entails and requires of them.

- Must be able to dedicate the amount of time (~3 hours) to participate in the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

- History of chronic pain of any kind

- Have a current episode of acute pain of any kind (including stomach ache, headache,
muscle ache, etc)

- History of psychiatric illness or brain injury

- History of substance abuse

- History of motor impairments

- History of another chronic disease (such as heart disease, celiac's, bronchial
asthma, etc)

- Have a diagnosis of narrow-angle glaucoma

- History or presence of high blood pressure

- History or presence of melanoma cancer

- Currently on a high-protein diet

- Women who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding

- Known or suspected allergies to capsaicin, peppers, levodopa, carbidopa, naproxen,
NSAIDs, rubbing alcohol (in the medical wipes), or lidocaine

- History or presence of dermatological disorder, including contact dermatitis and a
history of skin allergies in general

- Presence of a skin lesion in the areas to be tested

Prohibited Medication:

- Aliskiren

- ACE inhibitors

- Angiotensin 2 receptor blockers

- Cidofovir

- Corticosteroids

- Anti-platelet drugs

- Blood-thinners

- Another NSAID


- Tetrabenazine

- Anti-depressants

- Anti-psychotics

- Metoclopramide

- Phenytoin

- Papaverine

- Sedatives or muscle relaxers

- Tryptan/L-tryptophan

- DA agonists/antagonists
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