Microbiome Test for the Detection of Colorectal Polyps and Cancer

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:45 - 80
Start Date:March 2014
End Date:March 1, 2017

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Metabiomics Neoplasia Clinical Research Study

The purpose if this study is to measure the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the
Metabiomics Colon Polyp and Colorectal Cancer Assay for the non-invasive detection of colon
polyps or colorectal cancer.

The purpose of this study is to conduct clinical research to investigate the association of
the gut microbiome with colonic neoplasia. In this study patients will supply samples of
their gut microbiome prior to scheduled colonoscopy; the relative abundance of microbes from
those samples will be used to predict the presence or absence of colon polyps or colorectal
cancer. Microbiome based predictions from blinded samples will be compared with colonoscopy
and pathology results to quantify the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy (reported as %)
of the Metabiomics Colon Polyp and Colorectal Cancer Assay for colon polyps. The limited
sample size is anticipated to be insufficient to quantify sensitivity to colorectal cancer.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Male or female,

- Age: 45-80 years,

- Patients undergoing polyp surveillance or screening colonoscopy who are ASA Class
1-3. No ASA Class 4 or 5 will be included.Footnote

- All ethnic and racial groups will be included,

- Able to comprehend, sign, and date the written informed consent form (ICF),

- Able to give informed consent in English.

Exclusion Criteria:

- History of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

- Inability to schedule the colonoscopy within 60 days of the initial stool sample

- Colonic pathology that in the opinion of the endoscopist could interfere with the
accuracy of the colonoscopy. Examples include: colonic stricture, poor preparation,
obstructing tumor.

- ASA class 4 or greater

- Vulnerable subjects. Students, nursing home residents, institutionalized patients,
and those with psychological or physical incapacity.
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