Evaluation of the YOFiMeter Glucometer

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 2014
End Date:August 2014
Contact:Timothy Bailey, MD

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Evaluation of the YOFiLife Blood Glucose Monitoring System With YOFiMeter Glucometer

This evaluation will evaluate a new system from YOFiMeter, known as YOFiLife Blood Glucose
Monitoring System with YOFiMeter glucometer. YOFiLife includes a web- based data system
known as the Web Portal and smart phone apps for the iPhone and Android. The new YOFiMeter
is similar to other glucometers with the exception of built in test cassettes, lancet
cassettes with enhanced communications and data reviewing options.

This evaluation will also collect data from a YSI 2300 Stat Plus Glucose Analyzer reference
glucometer. The YSI 2300 Stat Plus Glucose Analyzer will be used as the "gold" standard
with all results compared to the YSI results.

This is a single evaluation to assess both the Yofimeter system accuracy in the hands of the
intended users, as well as other aspects to support lay use, such as labeling assessment and
usability. The company is presenting diabetics who monitor their blood glucose with new
technological innovations aimed at improving their daily lives (e.g., a unique blood glucose
monitor, Web Portal applications and "smart phone" applications).

Each subject selected for the comparison evaluation will perform their own fingerstick and
test on their subject device following device instructions. A trained technician will
perform a fingerstick on the subject immediately after and perform the test on the same
device. Separate results will be recorded by subject and technician. A trained technician
will take another blood sample, within as short of a time as practicable, for a glucose
assay on the YSI 2300 Stat Plus Glucose Analyzer.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Is the subject currently self-testing for blood glucose levels?

2. Is the subject able to provide legal, written informed consent?

3. Is the subject willing to have fingersticks for blood glucose determination?

4. Does the subject show an ability and willingness to follow directions of the
Investigator and staff?

5. Is the subject 18 years of age or older?

6. Does the subject have a hematocrit value in the range of 20-60?

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Does the subject demonstrate a lack of compliance as determined by the Principal or
Lead Site Investigator and/or staff?

2. Is the subject currently participating in another clinical study of an
investigational device or drug?

3. Is the subject unwilling or unable to provide concurrent blood glucose level
determinations with the YOFiMeter whenever blood glucose levels are determined at the
Investigator's site?

4. Is the subject, or a family member, employed by a company that develops or markets
blood glucose level determining devices?

5. Does the subject have any other condition or finding, which in the opinion of the
investigator would make the subject unsuitable for enrollment, or could interfere
with the subject participating in and completing the protocol?

6. Is the subject unwilling or unable to provide Informed Consent (IC)?
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