Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM) With InterStimTM for Bowel Dysfunction Following Surgery for Rectal Cancers With Sphincter Preservation

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Gastrointestinal, Gastrointestinal
Therapuetic Areas:Gastroenterology, Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 10, 2014
End Date:December 19, 2016

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Randomized Crossover Study of the Efficacy of Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM) With InterStimTM for Bowel Dysfunction Following Surgery for Rectal Cancers With Sphincter Preservation

The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether a medical device/implant (InterStimTM) will
help patients to have more normal bowel movements. The InterStimTM device is a
neuromodulating device. Neuromodulation is a way of changing the activity of the nervous
system by using electrical stimulation. InterStimTM is FDA approved to help people who have a
hard time controlling their bowl movements. This is called fecal incontinence.The device is
placed near a nerve root in the lower back. It works in a manner similar to a pacemaker by
releasing electrical stimulation that triggers the S3 nerve root. When being placed, it is
initially tested to make sure it will work using a temporary wire and then, if successful,
the device is permanently implanted.

This is a single-blind randomized crossover study. After providing written informed consent,
eligible patients will undergo an initial stimulation procedure with a temporary lead (Step 1
Wire Stimulation). The simulation is performed to determine efficacy of the device before a
permanent implant is placed. This stimulation takes place over a period of 7-14 days (+/-3
days). Because this procedure is done in the OR, this window of time allows for optimization
of the device and coordination of operating room schedules. This is the time period that has
been used in prior trials. Typically bowel improvement has been seen relatively quickly, so
the range should not affect our assessment of BFI.

After the Wire Implantation has occurred, patients will be evaluated over the next 7-14 days
(+/- 3 days) and will complete the BFI questionnaire. If BFI improvement is < than or = to 4
points the wire will be removed in the operating room, the patient will be offered standard
of care, and the patient will no longer be part of the study. Based on our prior data, we
would like to give as many patients as possible the opportunity for enrollment and as a
result we have chosen a 4 point BFI change as minimum criteria for response. Our group has
seen that a change in the BFI around 5-6 is clinically significant, but we will lower this
threshold slightly. If a patient's BFI improves by ≥ 4 points, the patient will proceed to
the randomized phase (Step 2-Implantation) of the study.

Patients who proceed to Step 2- Implantation, they will return to the operating room for the
implantation of the permanent device. While in the operating room they will be randomly
assigned to either having the device stimulation on (Group A) or device stimulation off
(Group B) for first 4 weeks (+/-3 days). Patients will return to clinic 2 weeks later to
cross over to the other arm (Step 3-Crossover) and the device stimulation will be set to on
or off. Patients will come back to clinic within 7 days (+/- 7 days) after Crossover for
device check and optimization.

Inclusion Criteria:

- History of rectal cancer or neoplastic polyp (i.e. intramucosal carcinoma, carcinoma
in situ)

- BFI score must meet at least one of the below criteria:

- Total BFI < 50

- Dietary subscale < 11

- Frequency subscale < 19

- Urgency subscale < 12

- English speaking

- Patients ≥18 years old. age

- Sphincter-preserving surgery and ≥ 12 months after restoration of bowel continuity

Exclusion Criteria:

- Locally recurrent or metastatic disease

- Immune suppressive medication

- Seizure disorder

- Prior sacral/lower spinal surgery

- Congenital Spinal defect/Paraplegia

- Rectal prolapse

- IBD/Crohn's

- Pregnancy

- Active anal/rectal abscess

- Pacemaker or other electronic implanted device

- Immediate need for MRI

- At the time of the wire stimulation procedure, patients will be excluded if the
surgeon is unable to place the temporary stimulating lead

- Inability to commit to local follow up for device management.
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