EMA-Defined Tinnitus Subgroups

Conditions:Other Indications
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:21 - 80
Start Date:July 2014
End Date:February 2016

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Identification of Unique Tinnitus Subgroups Using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA).

The purpose of this research study is to test a new way of measuring the severity of
tinnitus using a tool called Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) of Tinnitus. We will
compare the relationship with this tool with another widely used questionnaire. Previous
studies we have done suggest there are different patterns of tinnitus bother; we plan to
explore how often these patterns occur, and how many patterns of tinnitus bother there are.
And lastly we want to test how reliable this type of testing is for measuring the amount of
bother people experience from their tinnitus.

Hypothesis 1: We will be able to identify 6 or more distinctive patterns of tinnitus.

Hypothesis 2: EMA will provide a reliable method for more accurately capturing the amount of
bother individuals have from tinnitus.

You to need to complete this brief survey to determine if you meet the criteria for
participation in the study. You are free to skip any questions that you prefer not to
answer. We will only use the information you provide in this survey to determine if you
qualify for the EMA-Defined Tinnitus Subgroups study.

To be in this study, you will be required to have a smart phone that can receive text
messages, is connected to the internet, and will allow you to connect via the internet to a
Washington University secure server. It is necessary to connect to the Washington University
server in order to complete a short survey four times a day for two separate two-week

The study involves us sending you text messages at 4 random times during the day, between
the hours of 8: 00 am - 9: 00 pm. The texts prompt you to click on a link and respond to a
short EMA survey regarding what you are doing, what your environment is, and how your
tinnitus is at that moment. These text messages will be sent daily for two weeks. Then you
will have two weeks off. Finally you will again receive the text messages asking for you to
respond to the survey for two more weeks. You will receive a total of 112 text messages over
four weeks. In addition we will send you four emails or texts asking you to complete a
survey at the following times: before you complete your first set of EMA surveys, at the end
of the first set EMA surveys, prior to starting the second set of EMA surveys, and a final
time after you have completed the final EMA survey. This study requires no visits to
Washington University.

In order to participate you must complete this short prescreening survey to see if you

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age between the ages of 21 and 80.

- Have subjective, unilateral or bilateral, tinnitus of 6 months' duration or longer.

- Must be score of 1, 2, 3, or 4 on Global Bother Score. (Range is 0-4, with 0 being
not bothered and 4 being extremely bothered)

- Must have access to a smart phone device compatible with the notification system.

- Must be able to read, write, and understand English.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Tinnitus related to Workman's Compensation Claim or other litigation-related
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