Withdrawal Exposure With Withdrawal Regulation Training for Smoking Cessation

Conditions:Smoking Cessation
Therapuetic Areas:Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:19 - Any
Start Date:July 2011
End Date:May 2015
Contact:Peter S. Hendricks, PhD

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A Pilot Study of Withdrawal Regulation Training vs. Relaxation Training for Smoking Cessation (Withdrawal Exposure With Withdrawal Regulation Training for Smoking Cessation)

This is a pilot study of a withdrawal regulation training program compared to relaxation
training for individuals that are interested in smoking cessation.

Participants will be recruited through newspaper and internet advertisements, advertisements
on public transportation, community centers and community based organizations. All
recruitment materials will contain a toll-free telephone number with 24-hour voice mail. The
first contact with potential participant will be by telephone interview to assess for
eligibility of participant. Participants who meet eligibility criteria will be invited to an
orientation meeting where a breath carbon monoxide sample will be obtained. Women
participant of childbearing potential will have a pregnancy test administered.

Participants will be randomized to one of two conditions: Early Withdrawal Exposure +
Withdrawal Relaxation Training (E+WT) or Relaxation Training (RT) control. The E+WT
condition will consist of the development, application, modification, and repeated practice
of individualized withdrawal regulation for behavioral and cognitive strategies. the RT
condition will control for the therapeutic contact received by those in the E+WT condition
and will consist of the development, application, modification, and repeated practice of
individualized relaxation techniques (e.g. breathing exercises, imagery).

Inclusion Criteria:

- Men and women at least 19 years of age

- Reports smoking at least 10 cigarettes per day

- Must have expired breath carbon monoxide reading of at least eight parts per million

- Report the intention to quit smoking

- Reside in the Birmingham area with no plan to relocate outside of the area in the
next six months

- Have access to a telephone for scheduling follow up assessments

Exclusion Criteria:

- Inability to speak English

- Presence of a condition that contraindicates use of transdermal nicotine patch (i.e.
angina pectoris, arrhythmia, recent myocardial infarction, allergies to adhesives,
serious skin disorders, and current pregnancy or breast feeding)

- Presence of conditions that might interfere with compliance with protocol or greatly
complicate treatment (i.e. current alcohol or other substance dependence, dementia,
psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, suicidal or homicidal ideation, and any
disease acutely life-threatening or so severe that the participant cannot comply with
the protocol)

- Concurrent participation in a formal treatment program for smoking cessation

- Current use of any pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation
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