Non-Invasive Hemoglobin Study

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Hematology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:August 2014

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Non-Invasive Hemoglobin Multi-Center Observational Study

The investigators clinical trials will be for a medical device that is non-invasive in
nature. The investigators will be studying whether their non-invasive medical device gets
data that is as good as, or better than, an FDA previously approved, blood analysis device.
There is no study hypothesis for this study.

Inclusion criteria for this study are:

1. Subject is capable of giving informed consent.

2. Subject has an anatomically intact digit capable of having a capillary sample taken
and of being placed in the POCT device.

Exclusion criteria for this study are:

1. Age less than 18 years at time of research

2. Subject lacks the digits to place in the POCT device

3. Subject displays symptoms or has a history of Raynaud's disease

4. Subject has a neurological disorder resulting in an inability to hold the index
finger steady for 20 sec.

5. Subject has a history of long term continuous decreased perfusion to either hand (>30

6. Subject has had surgery within the last 2 weeks on finger or hand that he wishes to
use in the study

7. Subject's same day participation in this study

8. Capillary sample volume is not adequate to complete testing on the comparative

9. Cold agglutinin disease
We found this trial at
Sacramento, California 95655
Sacramento, CA
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