Response Inhibition Training for Children With Williams Syndrome

Conditions:Other Indications
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:10 - 17
Start Date:May 2014
End Date:May 2016

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Developing Treatments to Improve Psychosocial Functioning in Children With Williams Syndrome Part 1: Response Inhibition Training for Children With Williams Syndrome

The investigators will conduct a pilot study investigating the effectiveness of a
computerized response inhibition training program at reducing the response inhibition
difficulties often seen in children with Williams syndrome ages 10-17. The investigators
hypothesize that after completing the training program, children with Williams syndrome will
show improvement on computerized measures of response inhibition and on parent measures of

Behavioral characteristics of individuals with Williams syndrome include eagerness to
approach and interact with others (including strangers), repeated questions especially about
upcoming events, and difficulties with attention, impulsivity, and inhibition. There is very
little systematic research about the kinds of interventions that are most useful for
children with Williams syndrome to support optimal psychosocial functioning, and of the
effectiveness of such interventions. We will conduct a pilot study of a potential
intervention to address the response inhibition difficulties associated with Williams
syndrome. The investigators will examine the utility of an online, web-based computerized
cognitive retraining program aimed at addressing impulsivity and inhibition difficulties in
20 children, ages 10-17, with WS. The engaging training program has shown some utility in
other populations, including children with tic disorders and trichotillomania. The
investigators will examine the acceptability and feasibility of the treatment approach, as
well as its impact on performance on experimental measures of impulsivity and on everyday
psychosocial functioning as rated by parents; this study will consist of a small-scale pilot
Randomized Clinical Trial with wait list. Through this novel work, we hope to develop and
tune this approach for optimal outcomes and to demonstrate the promise of this intervention
to address common challenges of people with Williams syndrome in the area of inhibition.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Williams syndrome (diagnosed with genetic testing)

- Ages 10-17

- First language and main language spoken in the home is English

- Possess computer in the home that has internet access, and a second electronic device
with access to Skype (e.g., smartphone, ipad, additional computer, ipod touch)

Exclusion Criteria:

- First language and main language spoken in the home is NOT English (because study
measures and instructions are all in English)

- No computer in the home with internet access (because the study is being conducted
via the internet)

- Comorbid severe illnesses or major surgery within the past 6 months

- Four or more previous sessions of inhibition training
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Milwaukee, WI
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