Developing a Smartphone App With Mindfulness Training for Teen Smoking Cessation

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Smoking Cessation
Therapuetic Areas:Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:13 - 19
Start Date:September 2014
End Date:June 2016

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The recent Surgeon General's Report calls for effective and readily available treatment
approaches to help adolescent smokers interested in quitting. Schools are an ideal venue for
connecting adolescent smokers with smoking cessation assistance. This study will adapt the
Craving to Quit (C2Q) smartphone app, which integrates mindfulness training into a smoking
cessation program, for teen smokers (C2Q-Teen). We will test how well this novel app helps
teens stop smoking compared to another teen smoking cessation app that does not include
mindfulness training, and to written cessation information alone. If effective, the C2Q-Teen
would be relatively easy to disseminate widely and have tremendous public health

The new Surgeon General's Report (SGR), Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults,
highlights the addictive nature of nicotine and emphasizes the need for effective and
accessible cessation treatment for the more than 3.6 million youth who smoke. This proposal
is in response to PA-13-078, Behavioral and Integrative Treatment Development Program (R34),
which supports the development and testing of behavioral interventions targeting substance
abuse, including studies focused on Intervention generation and refinement (Stage IA), and
pilot or feasibility (Stage IB), and research designed to "increase implementability of
interventions with creative use of technology". We have developed Craving to Quit (C2Q), a
smartphone intervention for smoking cessation for adults that integrates mindfulness
training (MT) into a smoking cessation curriculum. While MT has been shown to be efficacious
for smoking cessation in adults, it has not been tested in adolescents. In addition,
dissemination of MT is challenging due to the need for experienced MT therapists, high time
demand, difficulties in scheduling sessions, and high costs of in-person treatment delivery.
Mobile, smartphone technologies provide a promising medium for overcoming these barriers to
dissemination. We propose to adapt and refine our existing Craving to Quit (C2Q) app for use
by adolescent smokers (Stage IA), and to conduct feasibility and pilot testing (Stage IB) in
preparation for an R01 application to definitively test efficacy and probe psychological
mechanisms of change resulting from MT. In the pilot test, six public high schools will be
randomly assigned to one of three conditions, two schools per condition: (1) C2Q-Teen app
(smoking cessation delivered through a smartphone app via MT), (2) NCI's QuitSTART app
designed for teen smokers (NCI-QS) (smoking cessation delivered through a smartphone app
without MT), or (3) written smoking cessation materials only (MO). One hundred forty four
adolescent smokers interested in quitting will be recruited (24/school, 48/condition).
School nurses will introduce the three interventions in the school setting. Our first
primary aim is to adapt the C2Q app for use by adolescent smokers (C2Q-Teen). Our second
primary aim is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the interventions to ensure
adequacy of each intervention for a larger RCT designed specifically to compare efficacy
rates. Secondary aims are to assess relative efficacy of the three interventions and
independent contributions of smartphone intervention delivery and mindfulness in increasing
cotinine-validated 7-day point prevalence abstinence at 3- and 6-month follow-up in order to
adequately power a larger trial, and to determine the relationship between C2Q-Teen usage
and abstinence. If eventually found to be effective, C2Q-Teen offers an innovative and
potentially powerful intervention for supporting teens in their efforts to quit that would
be relatively easy to disseminate widely and have tremendous public health significance,
addressing the SGR's call for readily available treatment for adolescent smokers wanting to

Inclusion Criteria:

- enrolled in grade 9-12

- smoked at least 5 cigarettes on average per day for the past 7 days

- interested in quitting smoking in the next three weeks

- have a smartphone on iPhone or Android platforms

- English-speaking

Exclusion Criteria:

- unable or unwilling to provide informed assent

- diagnosis of a serious psychiatric illness during the past 5 years

- developmental delay that would prevent study participation
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Principal Investigator: Lori Pbert, PhD
Univ of Massachusetts Med School As the commonwealth's only public medical school, we take seriously...
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