Effects of Diet and Exercise on Ductal Carcinoma in Situ

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:19 - Any
Start Date:July 2014
End Date:July 2018

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Exploring Effects of Weight Loss on Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

This pilot/feasibility trial seeks to explore whether an acute bout of negative energy
balance prior to surgery affects biomarkers of neoplasia. Forty overweight or obese
postmenopausal women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or early stage breast
cancer (Stage I or II) who elect mastectomy or lumpectomy will be randomly assigned to 1-of-2
study arms: 1) an Attention Control Group that receives instruction on dietary approaches to
correct nutritional deficiencies and progressive resistance training (PRT) that targets the
arm ipsilateral to the affected breast; or 2) an Experimental Group that will receive PRT and
guidance to correct nutritional deficiencies plus an intensive intervention to promote a
1.5-2 pound/week weight loss through diet, exercise, and behavior modification. This study
will explore and contrast changes in body mass index (BMI) observed from enrollment to the
time of surgery in the experimental vs. attention control arms, and also monitor changes in
energy intake and physical activity. These changes will be studied in relation to the
following endpoints: a) changes in select circulating biomarkers and gene expression related
to cancer progression, hormonal status, inflammation and other energy-related factors; b)
rates of tumor proliferation and apoptosis; c) tumor markers, e.g., insulin receptor,
Vascular Epithelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Nuclear Factor kappa beta (NFkB), and
phosphoproteins associated with the Convergence of Hormones, Inflammation and Energy-Rated
Factors (CHIEF) pathway; and d) functional and health-related outcomes. Because both tumor
tissue and blood will be examined from pre-to-post-intervention, this study will provide
exciting new data that can elucidate pathways by which energy balance affects breast cancer
progression. Although longer term weight loss is recommended for overweight and obese breast
cancer survivors, it is not known whether placing the body in a state of negative energy
balance will have a favorable impact on the tumor. If beneficial changes in tumor biology and
the host environment occur with short-term, pre-surgical weight loss, this study provides
proof of concept that weight loss may offer an acceptable and complementary treatment option
that could be combined with standard therapies.

Obesity is a known risk factor for invasive breast cancers that occur post-menopause. Obese
women also die twice as frequently from breast cancer than those of normal weight. Numerous
preclinical studies show the benefits of caloric restriction on cancer progression in animals
- but, will similar effects be seen in humans? In response to a call for translational
studies that will identify biological/biobehavioral pathways through which weight loss may
affect cancer prognosis (PAR-12-229), the investigators propose a pilot study that builds on
the investigators success of pre-surgical interventions to answer the research question,
"does negative energy balance with concomitant weight loss invoke anti-cancer effects on
tumor biology and the host environment?" The investigators will randomly assign 40 overweight
or obese postmenopausal women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or early stage
breast cancer who elect mastectomy or lumpectomy to 1-of-2 study arms: 1) an Attention
Control Group that receives instruction on dietary approaches to correct nutritional
deficiencies and progressive resistance training (PRT) that targets the arm ipsilateral to
the affected breast; or 2) an Experimental Group that will receive PRT and guidance to
correct nutritional deficiencies plus an intensive intervention to promote a 1.5-2 pound/week
weight loss through diet, exercise, and behavior modification. This study will explore and
contrast changes in body mass index (BMI) observed from enrollment to the time of surgery in
the experimental vs. attention control arms, and also monitor changes in energy intake and
physical activity. These changes will be studied in relation to the following endpoints: a)
changes in select circulating biomarkers and gene expression related to cancer progression,
hormonal status, inflammation and other energy-related factors; b) rates of tumor
proliferation and apoptosis; c) tumor markers, e.g., insulin receptor, Vascular Epithelial
Growth Factor (VEGF), Nuclear Factor kappa beta (NFkB), and phosphoproteins associated with
the Convergence of Hormones, Inflammation and Energy-Rated Factors (CHIEF) pathway; and d)
functional and health-related outcomes. Because both tumor tissue and blood will be examined
from pre-to-post-intervention, this study will provide exciting new data that can elucidate
pathways by which energy balance affects breast cancer progression from a non-invasive to an
invasive state. Although longer term weight loss is recommended for overweight and obese
breast cancer survivors, it is not known whether placing the body in a state of negative
energy balance will have a favorable impact on the tumor. If beneficial changes in tumor
biology and the host environment occur with short-term, pre-surgical weight loss, this study
provides proof of concept that weight loss may offer an acceptable and complementary
treatment option that could be combined with standard therapies. Thus, the research that is
proposed will not only increase the investigators understanding of the impact of negative
energy balance on tumor biology, but could change the standard of care and offer a more
conservative treatment option for the 50,000 American women who are diagnosed with DCIS each
year, as well as a novel adjunct therapy for women with early stage invasive disease.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Postmenopausal women with intermediate-to-high nuclear grade DCIS or stage I or II
breast cancer who elect surgery and who have >3-week lag-time between the start of the
intervention and their scheduled surgery;

- Overweight or obese (BMI:25-60);

- English speaking/reading

- Willing to be assigned to either study arm

Exclusion Criteria:

- Have a pre-existing medical condition(s) that preclude adherence to unsupervised

- Have a current medical condition that affects weight status;

- Has an active malignancy, other than DCIS, invasive breast cancer, or non-melanoma
skin cancer;

- Currently enrolled in a weight loss program

- Have received or scheduled to receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to mastectomy or
We found this trial at
1720 2nd Ave S
Birmingham, Alabama 35233
(205) 934-4011 
Principal Investigator: Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, PhD, RD
Phone: 205-975-4022
University of Alabama at Birmingham The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) traces its roots...
Birmingham, AL
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