Very-Low Nicotine Cigarettes and Non-Daily Smokers

Conditions:Smoking Cessation
Therapuetic Areas:Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 2015
End Date:July 31, 2017

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The Effect of Very-Low Nicotine Cigarettes on Smoking in Non-Daily Smokers

The purpose of this research study is to investigate the impact of different nicotine levels
in cigarettes among non-daily smokers. This research may help inform the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) on how best to regulate tobacco products in the future, with the goal of
improving public health.

The overall goal of the study is to assess the effects of switching to
Very-Low-Nicotine-Content cigarettes (VLNCCs) among non-daily, or intermittent smokers (ITS).
This is a two-arm randomized study with an own-cigarette baseline control. After a 2-week
baseline period smoking their own cigarettes, 455 ITS will be randomized (double-blind) for
10 weeks to smoke experimental cigarettes, either: (a) normal nicotine content cigarettes
(NNCCs; 0.8 mg) or (b) VLNCCs (0.07 mg), each matched to menthol status of subjects'
preferred brand. ITS are more likely to be African-American (AA) smokers; thus AA smokers
will be oversampled (to one third of the total sample). Change in cigarette consumption is
the primary end-point, and biomarkers of smoke exposure and measures of smoking intensity are
also assessed.

Inclusion Criteria:

- age 18 years or older, and smoking cigarettes for at least 3 years

- smoking, on average, 4-27 days per month

- smoking at current rate for at least the previous 3 months

- willingness to try novel cigarettes

Exclusion Criteria:

- active plans to quit or actively seeking smoking cessation treatment in the next 3

- severe psychiatric disorders that may interfere with study procedures

- current, regular (i.e., monthly or more) use of nicotine replacement or other tobacco
products, by self-report

- exclusive use of roll-your-own cigarettes (since the study uses manufactured

- [for female participants] being pregnant or breastfeeding, or planning to become
pregnant, by self-report

- current use of medications such as Chantix (varenicline), Zyban, Wellbutrin, or
bupropion for any purpose, including stopping smoking

- occurrence of heart attack, stroke, or angina in the past 3 months
We found this trial at
4200 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
Principal Investigator: Saul Shiffman, PhD
Phone: 412-383-5030
Pittsburgh, PA
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