Intensive Case Diabetes Management (ICDM) to Prevent Readmission

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:September 2014
End Date:December 2015
Contact:Mary C Blackburn, RN

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Intensive Case Diabetes Management to Prevent Readmission of Previously Identified High Risk Patients

The purpose of this study is to assess whether intensive case management interventions by a
diabetes team, led by an endocrinologist and certified diabetes educator, can prevent <31
day readmission in previously identified high risk patients with diabetes.The procedures of
the study will focus on managing the patient's diabetes and diabetes education while in the
hospital, decreasing the patient's risk for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia in the hospital,
and assist in the patient's diabetes management plan for a safe discharge.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients admitted with a diagnosis of diabetes, Patients with a previous history of
Pharmacy Expert System (PES) alert, Enrollment in research must be within 24 hours of

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients transferred from institutionalized care, Patients who already plan to move
to institutionalized care, Patients with severe co-morbidities (e.g. terminal
cancer), Patients admitted for surgery within 24 hours, Patients who are unwilling or
unable to give written consent (e.g. dementia), Patients who are homeless, Patients
previously admitted to the diabetes endocrine service
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