Evaluation of Rectal Cancer Treatment Response Using PET/MRI

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Colorectal Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:October 2014
End Date:December 2018

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The investigators will be using the combination of FDG-PET and multiparametric MRI in pre-
and post-adjuvant chemoradiation therapy in order to attempt to predict pathologic response
on surgical resection.

Inclusion Criteria:

- A diagnosis of histopathologically confirmed rectal adenocarcinoma.

- Locally advanced disease as determined by ERUS or pelvic MRI. Endoscopy reports should
clearly state both the T and N stage.

- Patients with cT2N1-3M0 or cT2-4NxM0 will be considered eligible for participation.

- Age ≥18.

- Ability to understand a written informed consent document and the willingness to sign

- Tumor must be determined to be surgically resectable. Surgical resection is planned to
take place at UCSF.

- Neoadjuvant chemoradiation prior to resection is planned..

- ECOG performance status of 0, 1 or 2.

Exclusion Criteria:

- ERUS tumor state of T1.

- Radiographic evidence of metastatic disease

- Weight in excess of limitations of the scanner or girth that prohibits entry into the
bore of the PET/CT scanner due to size.

- Any medical condition which impairs the ability to lie flat and without movement for
15 minutes (e.g. cough, severe arthritis, etc.)

- Prior receipt of any therapy, including local excision, radiation or chemotherapy, for
the diagnosed rectal adenocarcinoma.

- Prior history of pelvic radiation.

- Uncontrolled hyperglycemia (defined as inability to achieve a glucose of <250 mg/dL at
time of FDG injection).

- Impaired renal function (CKD 4 or 5: eGFR < 30 mLs/min), which is a contraindication
to gadolinium containing contrast.

- Known allergy to gadolinium containing contrast agents.

- Contraindication to use of fluoropyrimidines as a radiosensitizing agent.

- Pregnancy or nursing. Women of child bearing potential must have a negative serum or
urine pregnancy test (minimum sensitivity 25 IU/L or equivalent units of HCG) within
72 hours prior to randomization. This is because of the potential teratogenic effects
of the involved imaging modalities, radiation, and chemotherapy.
We found this trial at
San Francisco, California 94107
Principal Investigator: Thomas Hope
Phone: 415-353-1905
San Francisco, CA
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