Exercise and Quality of Life in Leukemia Patients

Conditions:Other Indications, Blood Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology, Other
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:January 2014
End Date:December 2015

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Effects of Exercise on Patient Reported Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Adults With Acute Leukemia During Induction Treatment: Exercise and Quality of Life in Leukemia Patients (EQUAL)

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of an exercise intervention on
patient-reported anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleep disturbances among acute leukemia
patients. The investigators hypothesize that exercise will reduce fatigue in acute leukemia

The purpose of this randomized, prospective, longitudinal study is to evaluate the impact of
an exercise intervention on patient-reported anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleep
disturbances outcomes among acute leukemia patients. The study will include 2 groups for a
total sample size of 30: n=15 control group and n=15 intervention group. Each patient
enrolled in the intervention arm will participate in an exercise program for the duration of
their hospitalization, 4-6 weeks on average during the first treatment (induction

Inclusion Criteria:

- Newly diagnosed with acute leukemia by pathology report

- Admitted for induction chemotherapy within in the previous 96 hours or +/- 3 days
from initiation of induction chemotherapy

- An expected hospital stay of 3-4 weeks or longer

- Participation in the study must be approved by the physician directly responsible for
the patient's care while at University of North Carolina -Hospitals

- Age >21 years of age

- Willing and able to provide, signed informed consent

- Willing and able to use a computer to complete study questionnaires

- Ability to understand and speak English

Exclusion Criteria:

The criteria below will be determined by the patient's physician and a review of the
patient's medical history. If any of the exclusion criteria are observed, the patients
will be informed and excluded from participating in the study.

Participation in this study will involve the same risks as any exercise regimen. Given the
potential risks involved, patients will be screened for exclusion based upon the following

- Cardiovascular disease (unless the disease would not compromise the patient's ability
to participate in the exercise rehabilitation program)

- Acute or chronic respiratory disease that would compromise the patient's ability to
participate in the exercise rehabilitation program

- Acute or chronic bone, joint, or muscular abnormalities that would compromise the
patient's ability to participate in the exercise rehabilitation program

- Inability to understand and speak English

- Dementia, altered mental status, or any psychiatric condition that would prohibit the
understanding or rendering of informed consent

- Another active malignancy

- Patients will also be excluded if they have active bleeding, acute thrombosis,
ischemia, hemodynamically unstable, and uncontrolled pain.
We found this trial at
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599
Principal Investigator: Ashley Bryant, PhD, RN
Phone: 919-843-7843
Chapel Hill, NC
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