Study of Concurrent Paclitaxel and Radiation: Correlation of Tumor Profiles With Pathologic Response

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:March 2005
End Date:December 2020

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Response, Resistance and Metastasis of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC, Stage 2B-3C) in a Multiethnic Cohort: A Phase II International Multicentric Study of Concurrent Paclitaxel and Radiation

The need to understand LABC is especially compelling in populations and countries with
limited resources, where breast cancer incidence is relatively low, but mortality is
comparably high. In these settings access to appropriate cancer care is characteristically
limited or often plainly nonexistent. In contrast to economically developed nations, where on
average fewer than 20% of women present with breast cancer at advanced stages, LABC and
metastatic disease are the most common stages at presentation in 50% or more women in Latin
America, Asia and Africa.

The term ―locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) commonly includes tumors whose maximum
diameter is 5 cm (T3) or larger, or which present with involvement of the chest wall or skin.
Surprisingly, the simultaneous presence of clinically detectable distant metastases is
relatively infrequent (~8%), a peculiar finding since in 73% of these large tumors it is
possible to document shedding of tumor cells into the blood.

While LABC has become a rare clinical presentation of breast cancer in the general population
as a result of improved early detection by mammographic screening, it remains relatively
common among minority women of low socioeconomic status. For instance, in a consecutive
series of 363 African-American women presenting in a large urban hospital, one out of three
women newly diagnosed with breast cancer had LABC.

It is well documented that although the incidence of breast cancer among African-Americans is
lower than among white women, breast cancer mortality in African-Americans is significantly
higher. In 1998, the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute and the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention reported an overall downward trend in cancer incidence and
mortality between 1990 and 1995 for all cancers combined. Many minority and medically
underserved populations, however, did not share equally in these improvements. These patients
have continued to encounter multifactorial barriers to early detection and care, warranting
interventions to improve access.

At the same time, it is equally important to offer the best chance for survival to those
underserved women who have already availed themselves of medical care. Paradoxically, while
the medical community is aware of the inadequate accrual of minority patients to clinical
trials, only few trials exist for LABC.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Biopsy proven locally-advanced breast cancer: IIB, IIIA, and IIIB

- Metastatic breast cancer: limited to the subset of patients with intact breast,
locally advanced tumor and involved ipsilateral supraclavicular nodes

- Measureable disease required

- Adequate laboratory values:

Hgb > 10 ANC > 1500 Platelets > 150,000 Creatinine < 1.5 Liver function < 3x normal

- Patient ≥ 18 years of age

- Medically and psychologically able to comply with all study requirements

- ECOG performance score 0-1

- CT chest, abdomen, and pelvis performed

- Mammogram or USG performed

- Signed informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Breast cancer patients with Stage 0, Stage I, or Stage IIA

- Previous XRT or chemotherapy

- Presence of distant metastases documented clinically or radiographically with the
exception of ipsilateral supraclavicular nodes

- Pregnancy

- Inflammatory breast cancer

- Patients under treatment (or who will have recently been treated) with
anti-neoplastic, immunosuppressive or hormonal medications

- Patients who are found to have a cancer positive for the marker HER-2/neu (applies
only to NYU Tisch and Bellevue sites)
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