A Phase II Study of Re-treatment of Myelofibrosis Patients With Ruxolitinib/Jakavi After Treatment Interruption Due to Loss of Response and/or Adverse Event (ReTreatment Trial)

Conditions:Blood Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:September 2014
End Date:March 2015
Contact:Novartis Pharmaceuticals

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The ReTreatment Trial: A Phase II, Open-label, Single-arm Study of Re-treating Myelofibrosis Patients With Ruxolitinib/Jakavi After Treatment Interruption Due to Loss of Response and/or Adverse Event.

The aim of the study is to assess the efficacy and safety of restarting ruxolitinib after
treatment interruption due to loss of response and/or adverse events.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Confirmed diagnosis of PMF, PPV MF or PET-MF, irrespective of JAK2 mutational status
according to the 2008 revised International Standard Criteria

- Peripheral blast count < 10%

- Requires therapy for MF in the opinion of the investigator

- Received prior monotherapy treatment with ruxolitinib for at least 12 consecutive
weeks and experienced treatment interruption because of lossof response or adverse

- Patients adhering to the Screening phase assessments and undergoing a a
ruxolitinib-free washout period of a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 8 weeks

- ECOG performance status 0, 1, 2, or 3

- Adequate bone marrow function

- Written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients not initially responding (primary resistance) to ruxolitinib therapy

- Patients who underwent a splenectomy or spleen radiation

- Patients currently scheduled for bone marrow transplant

- Patients who have discontinued ruxolitinib < 14 days prior to screening

- Patients who are not able to receive a starting dose of ruxolitinib of at least 15 mg
total daily dose

- Leukemic transformation

- Inadequate renal function

- Presence of clinically meaningful active bacterial, fungal, parasitic or viral
infection which requires therapy

- Previous history of Progressive Multifocal Leuko-encephalopathy (PML)

- Clinically significant cardiac disease or significant concurrent medical condition
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