Anti-tumor Immune Response in Patients With Cancer Undergoing Radiation Therapy

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:July 2010
End Date:July 2019

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The Effect of Radiation Therapy on Tumor Immunity

This research trial studies the effect of radiation therapy on tumor immunity. Standard
radiation therapy destroys tumor cells. In response to tumor cell death caused by radiation
therapy, the body has an ability to stimulate an anti-tumor response (immunity), but this
response is often ineffective in shrinking tumor tissue. Collecting samples of blood from
patients before, during, and after radiation therapy to study in the laboratory may help
doctors learn more about the effects of radiation therapy on anti-tumor response.


I. To assess the effect of radiation therapy on tumor immunity.


Samples of blood are collected before, during, and within two weeks after radiation therapy
and then stored for analysis of anti-tumor immunity.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Signed and dated Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved Informed Consent form for
the study

- Received an explanation of the study, including satisfactory answers to all questions
related to the proposed research

- Is undergoing physician directed radiation treatment

Exclusion Criteria:

- The potential Subject is unwilling or hesitant to participate for any reason and/or
fails to complete the appropriate Informed Consent form
We found this trial at
Los Angeles, California 90095
Principal Investigator: Michael L. Steinberg
Phone: 310-794-1252
Los Angeles, CA
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