Standard of Care Therapy With or Without Stereotactic Radiosurgery and/or Surgery in Treating Patients With Limited Metastatic Breast Cancer
Status: | Recruiting |
Conditions: | Breast Cancer, Cancer, Chronic Pain, Other Indications, Pulmonary |
Therapuetic Areas: | Musculoskeletal, Oncology, Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases, Other |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 18 - Any |
Updated: | 1/30/2019 |
Start Date: | December 24, 2014 |
End Date: | December 31, 2027 |
A Phase IIR/III Trial of Standard of Care Therapy With or Without Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) and/or Surgical Ablation for Newly Oligometastatic Breast Cancer
This randomized phase II/III trial studies how well standard of care therapy with
stereotactic radiosurgery and/or surgery works and compares it to standard of care therapy
alone in treating patients with breast cancer that has spread to one or two locations in the
body (limited metastatic) that are previously untreated. Standard of care therapy comprising
chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, biological therapy, and others may help stop the spread of
tumor cells. Radiation therapy and/or surgery is usually only given with standard of care
therapy to relieve pain; however, in patients with limited metastatic breast cancer,
stereotactic radiosurgery, also known as stereotactic body radiation therapy, may be able to
send x-rays directly to the tumor and cause less damage to normal tissue and surgery may be
able to effectively remove the metastatic tumor cells. It is not yet known whether standard
of care therapy is more effective with stereotactic radiosurgery and/or surgery in treating
limited metastatic breast cancer.
stereotactic radiosurgery and/or surgery works and compares it to standard of care therapy
alone in treating patients with breast cancer that has spread to one or two locations in the
body (limited metastatic) that are previously untreated. Standard of care therapy comprising
chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, biological therapy, and others may help stop the spread of
tumor cells. Radiation therapy and/or surgery is usually only given with standard of care
therapy to relieve pain; however, in patients with limited metastatic breast cancer,
stereotactic radiosurgery, also known as stereotactic body radiation therapy, may be able to
send x-rays directly to the tumor and cause less damage to normal tissue and surgery may be
able to effectively remove the metastatic tumor cells. It is not yet known whether standard
of care therapy is more effective with stereotactic radiosurgery and/or surgery in treating
limited metastatic breast cancer.
I. To determine whether ablation (through stereotactic body radiation therapy [SBRT]
[stereotactic radiosurgery] and/or surgical resection of all known metastases) in
oligometastatic breast cancer patients provides a sufficient signal for improved
progression-free survival (PFS) to warrant full accrual to the Phase III portion of the
trial. (Phase II-R) II. To determine whether ablation (through SBRT and/or surgical resection
of all known metastases) in oligometastatic breast cancer patients significantly improves
overall survival (OS). (Phase III)
I. To evaluate treated metastasis control according to tumor receptor status (estrogen
receptor [ER], progesterone receptor [PR], human epidermal growth factor receptor [HER]-2),
use of chemotherapy, surgery vs. ablative therapy, and solitary metastasis vs. 2 metastasis
(may expand to >= 2 to =< 4 following completion of a Phase I trial).
II. To evaluate whether the addition of ablative metastasis directed therapy significantly
reduces the number of distant recurrences (new metastases) in patients who progress according
to tumor receptor status (ER, PR, HER-2); use of chemotherapy, and solitary metastasis vs. 2
metastases (may expand to >= 2 to =< 4 following completion of the Phase I NRG-BR001 trial).
III. To evaluate adverse events in patients who receive ablative metastasis-directed therapy
to all known metastases in addition to standard medical therapy alone.
IV. To explore the most appropriate and clinically relevant technological parameters to
ensure quality and effectiveness throughout the radiation therapy processes, including
imaging, simulation, target and critical structure definition, treatment planning, image
guidance, and delivery.
I. To determine whether < 5 circulating tumor cells (CTCs) (per 7.5 ml of blood) is an
independent prognostic (outcome) marker for improved PFS and OS in oligometastatic breast
II. To determine whether < 5 CTCs (per 7.5 ml of blood) is an independent predictive
(response to therapy) marker for improved PFS and OS in oligometastatic breast cancer.
III. To determine whether eliminating CTCs (0/7.5 ml of blood in patients with at least 2
CTCs at registration) is both a prognostic and predictive marker for improved PFS and OS.
IV. To evaluate the prognostic and predictive properties of CTC count as a continuous measure
of PFS and OS.
V. To store material for retrospective analysis of circulating tumor deoxyribonucleic acid
VI. To store material for retrospective analysis of circulating micro-ribonucleic acid (RNA).
OUTLINE: Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 treatment arms.
ARM 1: Patients continue to receive their current planned systemic therapy at the discretion
of the treating physician.
ARM 2: Patients continue to receive their current planned systemic therapy at the discretion
of the treating physician. Patients also undergo stereotactic radiosurgery in 1, 3, or 5
fractions within 3 weeks and/or surgery at the discretion of the treating physician.
ARM 1: Patients are followed every 3 months from randomization to 2 years. ARM 2: Patients
are followed 25-35 days post-ablation, every 3 months from randomization to 2 years, and then
yearly thereafter.
I. To determine whether ablation (through stereotactic body radiation therapy [SBRT]
[stereotactic radiosurgery] and/or surgical resection of all known metastases) in
oligometastatic breast cancer patients provides a sufficient signal for improved
progression-free survival (PFS) to warrant full accrual to the Phase III portion of the
trial. (Phase II-R) II. To determine whether ablation (through SBRT and/or surgical resection
of all known metastases) in oligometastatic breast cancer patients significantly improves
overall survival (OS). (Phase III)
I. To evaluate treated metastasis control according to tumor receptor status (estrogen
receptor [ER], progesterone receptor [PR], human epidermal growth factor receptor [HER]-2),
use of chemotherapy, surgery vs. ablative therapy, and solitary metastasis vs. 2 metastasis
(may expand to >= 2 to =< 4 following completion of a Phase I trial).
II. To evaluate whether the addition of ablative metastasis directed therapy significantly
reduces the number of distant recurrences (new metastases) in patients who progress according
to tumor receptor status (ER, PR, HER-2); use of chemotherapy, and solitary metastasis vs. 2
metastases (may expand to >= 2 to =< 4 following completion of the Phase I NRG-BR001 trial).
III. To evaluate adverse events in patients who receive ablative metastasis-directed therapy
to all known metastases in addition to standard medical therapy alone.
IV. To explore the most appropriate and clinically relevant technological parameters to
ensure quality and effectiveness throughout the radiation therapy processes, including
imaging, simulation, target and critical structure definition, treatment planning, image
guidance, and delivery.
I. To determine whether < 5 circulating tumor cells (CTCs) (per 7.5 ml of blood) is an
independent prognostic (outcome) marker for improved PFS and OS in oligometastatic breast
II. To determine whether < 5 CTCs (per 7.5 ml of blood) is an independent predictive
(response to therapy) marker for improved PFS and OS in oligometastatic breast cancer.
III. To determine whether eliminating CTCs (0/7.5 ml of blood in patients with at least 2
CTCs at registration) is both a prognostic and predictive marker for improved PFS and OS.
IV. To evaluate the prognostic and predictive properties of CTC count as a continuous measure
of PFS and OS.
V. To store material for retrospective analysis of circulating tumor deoxyribonucleic acid
VI. To store material for retrospective analysis of circulating micro-ribonucleic acid (RNA).
OUTLINE: Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 treatment arms.
ARM 1: Patients continue to receive their current planned systemic therapy at the discretion
of the treating physician.
ARM 2: Patients continue to receive their current planned systemic therapy at the discretion
of the treating physician. Patients also undergo stereotactic radiosurgery in 1, 3, or 5
fractions within 3 weeks and/or surgery at the discretion of the treating physician.
ARM 1: Patients are followed every 3 months from randomization to 2 years. ARM 2: Patients
are followed 25-35 days post-ablation, every 3 months from randomization to 2 years, and then
yearly thereafter.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Pathologically confirmed metastatic breast cancer
- Known estrogen, progesterone, and HER2 status of either primary tumor or metastasis
- ≤ 4 metastases seen on standard imaging within 60 days prior to registration when all
metastatic disease is located within the following sites:
- peripheral lung
- osseous (bone)
- spine
- central lung
- abdominal-pelvic(lymph node/adrenal gland)
- liver
- mediastinal/cervical lymph node
- All known disease amenable to metastasis-directed therapy with either SBRT or
- NOTE: Symptomatic bone metastasis are allowed if ablative therapy can be
- NOTE: Sites for possible surgical excision include lung, liver, adrenal gland,
bone, small intestine, large intestine, ovary, and amenable nodal disease sites
- NOTE: Surgical stabilization is allowed for a metastasis if it is followed by
conventionally fractionated external beam radiotherapy
- Maximum diameter of individual metastasis in any dimension ≤ 5 cm
- There are no restrictions on distance between the metastases
- Patients must be registered within 365 days of the initial metastatic breast cancer
diagnosis. First-line standard systemic therapy (chemotherapy, anti-endocrine therapy,
anti-HER2 or other standard targeted therapy) for metastatic breast cancer must be
given or planned to be given. If given before study entry, it cannot have exceeded a
duration of 12 months at the time of registration. (Note: Sequencing of ablative
therapy (surgery or SBRT) relative to systemic therapy, for patients randomized to Arm
2, is at the discretion of the treating physician.)
- The primary tumor site must be controlled prior to registration
- For those who present with synchronous primary and oligometastatic disease:
Primary must be controlled prior to registration. The definition of control is definitive
surgery by excision or mastectomy (+/- radiotherapy) per institution preference
- For those who present with local recurrence and oligometastatic disease, local
recurrence must be controlled prior to registration The definition of control is
definitive surgery by excision or mastectomy (+/- radiotherapy) per institution
- Appropriate stage for study entry based on the following diagnostic workup:
- History/physical examination within 60 days prior to registration
- Clinical grade computed tomography (CT) scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis with
radionuclide bone scan OR whole body positron emission tomography (PET)/CT within 60
days prior to study registration
- Zubrod performance status ≤ 2 within 60 days prior to registration
- Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) ≥ 500 cells/mm^3
- Platelets ≥ 50,000 cells/mm^3
- Hemoglobin ≥ 8.0 g/dl (note: the use of transfusion or other intervention to
achieve hemoglobin [Hgb] ≥ 8.0 g/dl is acceptable)
- For females of child-bearing potential, negative serum or urine pregnancy test
within 14 days prior to study registration
Exclusion Criteria:
- Pathologic evidence of local/regional breast tumor recurrence at the time of
- Co-existing or prior invasive malignancy (except non-melanomatous skin cancer), unless
disease free for a minimum of 3 years; previous RT dose, date, fraction size, must be
- Metastases with indistinct borders making targeting not feasible
- NOTE: A potential issue with bone metastases is that they often are not discrete.
Since many patients on this protocol will have bone metastases, this will be an
important issue. Theoretically, Houndsfield units might provide an appropriate
measure; however, a sclerotic lesion against dense cortical bone will not have a
sharp demarcation based on Houndsfield units (HU). Therefore, we acknowledge that
such determinations will pose a challenge and thus the physician's judgment will
be required
- Prior palliative radiation treatment for metastatic disease (including
- Metastases located within 3 cm of the previously irradiated structures:
- Spinal cord previously irradiated to > 40 Gy (delivered in ≤ 3 Gy/fraction)
- Brachial plexus previously irradiated to > 50 Gy (delivered in ≤ 3 Gy/fraction)
- Small intestine, large intestine, or stomach previously irradiated to > 45 Gy
(delivered in ≤ 3 Gy/fraction)
- Brainstem previously irradiated to > 50 Gy (delivered in ≤ 3 Gy/fraction)
- Whole lung previously irradiated with prior V20Gy > 30% (delivered in ≤ 3
- Primary tumor irradiated with SBRT
- Metastasis irradiated with SBRT
- Brain metastases
- Exudative, bloody, or cytological proven malignant effusions
- Severe, active co-morbidity defined as follows:
- Unstable angina and/or congestive heart failure requiring hospitalization within
the last 6 months
- Transmural myocardial infarction within the last 6 months
- Acute bacterial or fungal infection requiring intravenous antibiotics at the time
of registration
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation or other respiratory illness
requiring hospitalization or precluding study therapy at the time of registration
- Pregnancy; lactating females must cease expression of milk prior to signing consent to
be eligible
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive with cluster of differentiation (CD)4
count < 200 cells/microliter; note that patients who are HIV positive are eligible,
provided they are under treatment with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
and have a CD4 count ≥ 200 cells/microliter within 30 days prior to registration; note
also that HIV testing is not required for eligibility for this protocol
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Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
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Anderson, Indiana 46016
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12605 East 16th Avenue
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Biddeford, Maine 04005
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Brownstown, Michigan 48183
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Phone: 412-339-5294
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Burlington, Massachusetts 01805
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Phone: 781-744-8027
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150 Parkway Office Court
Cary, North Carolina 27518
Cary, North Carolina 27518
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Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599
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Phone: 877-668-0683
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303 East Superior Street
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Chicago, Illinois 60611
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Chicago, Illinois 60637
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Clarkston, Michigan 48346
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Cleveland, Ohio 44106
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6001 E Woodmen Rd
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80923
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Columbia, Maryland 21044
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Columbus, Ohio 43210
Principal Investigator: Jose G. Bazan
Phone: 800-293-5066
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4050 Coon Rapids Blvd NW
Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55433
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2300 N Edward St
Decatur, Illinois 62526
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Detroit, Michigan 48202
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Dover, New Hampshire 03820
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Duluth, Minnesota 55805
Principal Investigator: Steven R. Bonin
Phone: 412-339-5294
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2301 Erwin Rd
Durham, North Carolina 27710
Durham, North Carolina 27710

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28595 Orchard Lake Road
Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334
Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334
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Phone: 248-338-0663
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1024 S Lemay Ave
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
(970) 495-7000

Principal Investigator: Rachel A. Rabinovitch
Phone: 970-297-6150
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2200 Randallia Drive
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805
Principal Investigator: Brian K. Chang
Phone: 260-373-8888
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Fort Wayne, Indiana 46845
Principal Investigator: Brian K. Chang
Phone: 877-784-4673
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1600 Southwest Archer Road
Gainesville, Florida 32610
Gainesville, Florida 32610
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300 Health Park Drive
Garner, North Carolina 27529
Garner, North Carolina 27529
Principal Investigator: Achilles J. Fakiris
Phone: 919-784-7209
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1117 29th St S
Great Falls, Montana 59405
Great Falls, Montana 59405
(406) 771-7300

Principal Investigator: Benjamin T. Marchello
Phone: 406-969-6060
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835 S Van Buren St
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301
Principal Investigator: Matthew L. Ryan
Phone: 920-433-8889
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1726 Shawano Avenue
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54303
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54303
Principal Investigator: Matthew L. Ryan
Phone: 412-339-5294
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Greenwood, South Carolina 29646
Principal Investigator: Jennifer L. Harper
Phone: 864-725-4771
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Greer, South Carolina 29651
Principal Investigator: Steven W. Corso
Phone: 864-560-6104
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24800 SE Stark St
Gresham, Oregon 97030
Gresham, Oregon 97030
(503) 674-1122

Principal Investigator: Andrew Y. Kee
Phone: 503-413-2150
Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center, East County's full-service community hospital,...
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4300 Londonderry Road
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109
Principal Investigator: Dwight E. Heron
Phone: 717-724-6765
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Hollywood, Florida 33021
Principal Investigator: Srinath Sundararaman
Phone: 888-823-5923
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1301 Punchbowl St
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
(808) 538-9011

Principal Investigator: Kenneth N. Sumida
Phone: 412-339-5294
Queen's Medical Center The Queen's Medical Center, located in downtown Honolulu, Hawaii, is a private,...
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Houston, Texas 77030
Principal Investigator: Wendy A. Woodward
Phone: 877-312-3961
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Huntington, West Virginia 25701
Principal Investigator: Maria R. Tria Tirona
Phone: 304-399-6617
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4500 San Pablo Rd S
Jacksonville, Florida 32224
Jacksonville, Florida 32224
(904) 953-2000

Principal Investigator: Kimberly S. Corbin
Phone: 855-776-0015
Mayo Clinic Florida Thousands of people come to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., annually for...
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310 Sunnyview Ln
Kalispell, Montana 59901
Kalispell, Montana 59901
(406) 752-5111

Principal Investigator: Benjamin T. Marchello
Phone: 406-969-6060
Kalispell Regional Medical Center Nestled in the beautiful Flathead Valley of Northwestern Montana, Kalispell Regional...
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La Crosse, Wisconsin
Principal Investigator: Collin D. Driscoll
Phone: 608-775-2385
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3855 Health Sciences Dr,
La Jolla, California 92093
La Jolla, California 92093
(858) 822-6100

Principal Investigator: James Urbanic, MD
Phone: 858-246-0500
UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center Established in 1978, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center...
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1 Medical Center Dr
Lebanon, New Hampshire 03756
Lebanon, New Hampshire 03756
(603) 650-5000

Principal Investigator: Lesley A. Jarvis
Phone: 800-639-6918
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Dartmouth-Hitchcock is a national leader in patient-centered health care and building...
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1441 Eastlake Ave
Los Angeles, California 90033
Los Angeles, California 90033
(323) 865-3000

Principal Investigator: Jason C. Ye
Phone: 323-865-0451
U.S.C./Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center The USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, located in Los Angeles, is...
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2000 N Boise Ave
Loveland, Colorado 80538
Loveland, Colorado 80538
(970) 669-4640

Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 303-777-2663
McKee Medical Center Through the years, McKee has led the way in health care innovation....
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295 Varnum Ave
Lowell, Massachusetts 01854
Lowell, Massachusetts 01854
(978) 937-6000

Principal Investigator: Matthew S. Katz
Phone: 978-788-7084
Lowell General Hospital Welcome to Lowell General Hospital! Our goal is to provide you with...
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2160 South 1st Avenue
Maywood, Illinois 60153
Maywood, Illinois 60153
(888) 584-7888

Principal Investigator: Abhishek A. Solanki
Phone: 708-226-4357
Loyola University Medical Center Loyola University Health System is committed to excellence in patient care...
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9200 W Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
(414) 805-3666

Principal Investigator: Carmen R. Bergom
Phone: 414-805-4380
Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin Froedtert Health combines with the Medical College of...
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Morgantown, West Virginia 26505
Principal Investigator: Geraldine M. Jacobson
Phone: 304-293-7374
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Muncie, Indiana 47303
Principal Investigator: Yunjie X. Lin
Phone: 765-751-5850
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New York, New York 10032
Principal Investigator: Eileen P. Connolly
Phone: 212-305-6361
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Newark, Delaware 19713
Principal Investigator: Gregory A. Masters
Phone: 302-623-4450
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5475 South 500 East
Ogden, Utah 84405
Ogden, Utah 84405
Principal Investigator: Brandon J. Fisher
Phone: 412-339-5294
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940 NE 13th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73190
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73190
(405) 271-6458

Principal Investigator: J. S. Thompson
Phone: 405-271-8777
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center The OU Health Sciences Center is composed of seven...
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Emile St
Omaha, Nebraska 68198
Omaha, Nebraska 68198
(402) 559-4000

Principal Investigator: Andrew O. Wahl
Phone: 402-559-6941
Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr A vital enterprise in the nation’s heartland, the University of...
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Orange, California 92868
Principal Investigator: Parima Daroui
Phone: 877-827-8839
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Orlando, Florida 32806
Principal Investigator: Patrick Kelly
Phone: 321-841-7246
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Pembroke Pines, Florida 33028
Principal Investigator: Srinath Sundararaman
Phone: 954-265-4325
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320 E North Ave
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212
(412) 359-3131

Principal Investigator: Mark G. Trombetta
Phone: 877-284-2000
Allegheny General Hospital At Allegheny General Hospital, our physicians and healthcare staff have earned an...
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Pontiac, Michigan 48341
Principal Investigator: Samir Narayan
Phone: 734-712-3671
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Portland, Maine 04102
Principal Investigator: Matthew D. Cheney
Phone: 207-885-7565
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1015 NW 22nd Ave
Portland, Oregon 97210
Portland, Oregon 97210
(503) 413-7711

Principal Investigator: Andrew Y. Kee
Phone: 800-220-4937
Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center Located in the heart of Northwest Portland, Legacy...
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Portland, Oregon 97225
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 503-215-2614
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Raleigh, North Carolina 27609
Principal Investigator: Achilles J. Fakiris
Phone: 919-784-7209
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2605 Blue Ridge Road
Raleigh, North Carolina 27607
Raleigh, North Carolina 27607
Principal Investigator: Achilles J. Fakiris
Phone: 919-784-7209
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Raleigh, North Carolina 27614
Principal Investigator: Achilles J. Fakiris
Phone: 919-784-7209
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Reno, Nevada 89502
Principal Investigator: Michael C. Hardacre
Phone: 702-384-0013
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Richmond, Virginia 23226
Principal Investigator: William J. Irvin
Phone: 412-339-5294
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Rochester, Minnesota 55905
Principal Investigator: Kimberly S. Corbin
Phone: 855-776-0015
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Roseville, California 95678
Principal Investigator: Samantha A. Seaward
Phone: 877-642-4691
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