Conditions:Neurology, Epilepsy
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology, Other
Age Range:18 - 70
Start Date:March 2015
End Date:October 2019
Contact:Samantha Schmidt

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HOBSCOTCH Phase II: A Pragmatic Study of HOBSCOTCH in New England.

The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility and efficacy of the home-based
cognitive self-management program "HOBSCOTCH" delivered at four New England medical centers.
It will test the long-term impact and cost-effectiveness of HOBSCOTCH, and whether it can be
delivered from a distance utilizing e-health tools for parts of the program.

HOBSCOTCH (Home Based Self-management and Cognitive Training Changes lives) is a home-based
self-management program to treat cognitive symptoms and improve quality of life, while
minimizing the barriers of access to care. The program is based on Problem Solving Therapy
(PST) and teaches problem solving strategies and compensatory mechanisms to help manage
cognitive dysfunction and enhance quality of life.

HOBSCOTCH Phase II is a replication study of the original HOBSCOTCH study, designed to
translate the findings of HOBSCOTCH into a real world setting. This is a multi-center study,
with the HOBSCOTCH intervention being implemented at four epilepsy clinics in New England.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 18-70

- Confirmed diagnosis of epilepsy, with controlled or uncontrolled seizures

- Subjective memory complaints

- No changes in antiepileptic and antidepressant medication regimen for 1 month, however
brief discontinuation of antiepileptic medicine for inpatient video EEG evaluation is

- Literate

- Telephone access

Exclusion Criteria:

- Subjects age 66-70 with a mention of a dementing illness in their medical record

- Severe mental disability or estimated IQ less than 70

- Significant visual impairment precluding reading or writing

- No reliable telephone access
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