Health Related Quality of Life Following Hepatectomy for Colorectal Liver Metastasis: Global and Disease Specific Changes Over Time

Conditions:Liver Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:March 2015
End Date:March 2020
Contact:Michael D'Angelica, MD

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This study is being done to learn more about health related quality of life factors in people
having surgery for colorectal liver metastasis. The investigators will look at how these
factors may change over time. The information gained from this study will help the
investigators to understand the long-term effects that cancer treatments have on the health
related quality of life of patients. This information is of high value and will help doctors
talk to patients about the possible effects of their operations. While many patients live a
long time after such operations, the studies that have been done do not tell the full story
of what patients go through after surgery. This study will help us to understand cancer
treatment from the patient's perspective. It will also help cancer patients make better
decisions about their treatment options and will help them know what to expect after the

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of Colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRLM)

- > 18 years of age

- Absence of unresectable extrahepatic disease

- No previous liver surgery for CRLM

- Clinical risk score (CRS) >/= 3 or > 4 tumors

- CRS includes the following variables;

- Lymph node positive primary

- Disease free interval <12 months

- CEA level >200ng/mL (highest CEA level within 6 months prior to surgery, not including
day of surgery)

- Tumor size > 5cm

- Number of tumors >1(based on most recent scan or pathology before liver resection)

- Each variable is given a score of one and summed to give final CRS

- Ability to read and write in English

- Undergoing liver resection/ ablation for CRLM

- Underwent liver resection/ ablation for CRLM, but not their primary tumors

Exclusion Criteria:

- Non-English speaking

- Inability to read and/or write

- International Patients

- Concurrent malignancy (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers)
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