ETT Rotation During Nasal Fiberoptic Intubation

Conditions:Other Indications, Dental
Therapuetic Areas:Dental / Maxillofacial Surgery, Other
Age Range:2 - 17
Start Date:August 2013
End Date:August 2015

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Effect of 90° Degree Counterclockwise Rotation of the Endotracheal Tube on Its Advancement Through the Larynx During Nasal Fiberoptic Intubation in Children: A Randomized and Blinded Study

A nasal endotracheal tube (ETT) is routinely placed in children and a fiberoptic scope (FOS)
is commonly used for this purpose. Resistance to the passage of ETT is frequently
encountered as it is advanced over the FOS for placement into the trachea, since it gets
hung up on structures of the laryngeal inlet. The aim of the investigators study performed
on forty children divided in two groups was to study in the pediatric population, whether a
90° counterclockwise rotation (CCR) of the ETT prior to advancing through the larynx, by
nasal approach, prevents it from getting hung up at the laryngeal inlet.

A nasal endotracheal tube (ETT) is routinely placed in children and a fiberoptic scope (FOS)
is commonly used for this purpose. Resistance to the passage of ETT is frequently
encountered as it is advanced over the FOS for placement into the trachea, since it gets
hung up on structures of the laryngeal inlet. The aim of the investigators study performed
on forty children divided in two groups was to study in the pediatric population, whether a
90° counterclockwise rotation (CCR) of the ETT prior to advancing through the larynx, by
nasal approach, prevents it from getting hung up at the laryngeal inlet.Following the
approval of Nemours Institutional Review Board, and informed consent, forty healthy children
were included in the study.

All children were randomly assigned to one of two groups using a computer generated numbers
table. Group-S (Standard technique): It involved placement of ETT over the FOS with bevel of
the ETT facing left as is routinely done Group-R (pre-Rotated technique): It involved
placement of ETT over the FOS with 90° CCR from the beginning so that the bevel of the ETT
faced posteriorly.

All children received midazolam premedication prior to coming to the operating room and were
anesthetized by a standard technique using mask induction with oxygen, nitrous oxide and
sevoflurane. Intravenous line was placed and rocuronium 0.4 mg/kg body weight was then
administered to achieve muscle relaxation. Oxymetazoline hydrochloride lotion (Afrin) was
sprayed in both nostrils to achieve nasal mucosal decongestion and the ETT of appropriate
size for that age was used for nasotracheal intubation. Small FOS (Olympus LF-P; 2.2 mm
diameter) was used for cuffed ETT (MallinckrodtTM; Covidien) sizes 4.5 mm ID and under and
larger FOS (Olympus LF-DP; 3.1 mm diameter) was used for cuffed ETT (MallinckrodtTM;
Covidien) sizes 5 mm ID and over. ETT was mounted on a FOS and secured near the proximal end
close to the eyepiece. With head maintained in neutral position, a lubricated FOS was then
advanced through the right or left nostril (the one that looked bigger) into the larynx and
once in the trachea, the lubricated ETT was advanced over it.

An unblinded anesthesia attending associated with the study prepared the FOS and ETT
according to the randomization, and advanced the FOS into the trachea and the ETT into the
posterior pharynx. The anesthesia provider advancing the ETT was always one of the trainees:
student nurse anesthetists (SRNA) or resident who was not a part of the study and was
blinded to whether or not the ETT has been rotated 90°counterclockwise. The attending member
of the research team observed as the ETT was advanced by the trainee and made a note of
whether or not the ETT got hung up. If it did, the research team member withdrew the ETT 2
cm, rotated it 90° CCR, and allowed the trainee to advance the ETT one or more times, noting
the results.

Following parameters would be measured:

Demographic data: age, weight, sex, nostril used and FOS size used; Whether or not ETT got
hung-up at the laryngeal inlet, Whether or not 90° counterclockwise rotation was helpful
with ETT advancement through the larynx and number of attempts needed to successfully
advance the ETT after the 90° CCR.

Definition of resistance to tube advancement (hung-up ETT):

Steady but gentle force is generally needed to advance an ETT over the FOS, first through
the nose and then into the trachea through the larynx. If the ETT were to pass smoothly no
change in force is generally needed as it goes through the larynx. During advancement over
the FOS, if ETT came to an abrupt stop and then the same steady force was insufficient to
advance the ETT through the larynx it was defined as "hung up". If sudden resistance to
passage through the larynx was encountered indicating that the ETT is hung up at the
laryngeal inlet, it was then withdrawn about 2 cm, rotated 90° counterclockwise and
readvanced through the larynx and observation was made if CCR maneuver leads to smoother
passage of the ETT through the larynx into the trachea without it getting hung-up.

Statistical analysis: The data will be analyzed in the following manner: Nominal data such
as gender, nostril used and FOS size compared between the groups using Fisher's exact test
and numeric data such as age and weight with independent sample t-test. Outcome data such as
presence or absence of resistance due to hung up ETT will be analyzed with Chi square while
number of attempts will be analyzed with t-test. Significance was assumed at P< 0.05.

Inclusion Criteria:

- American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status 1 and 2

- Between 2 up to 18 years of age

- Normal airway anatomy

- scheduled for oral rehabilitation procedure

Exclusion Criteria:

- Children less than 2 years of age

- Abnormal airway and facial anatomy

- American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status 3 and 4

- Coagulation disorders were excluded from the study
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