To Determine the Therapeutic Effect of the Music Glove and Conventional Hand Exercises to Subacute Stroke Patients

Therapuetic Areas:Neurology
Age Range:18 - 80
Start Date:March 2015
End Date:June 2016
Contact:Vicky Chan, MSPT

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Influence of Timing on Motor Learning

The investigators are trying to determine the therapeutic effect of the music glove and
conventional hand exercise program to the subacute stroke patients. All participants will be
randomized into two groups: AB and BA. They will all exercise at least 3 times a week for 3
weeks with a minimal 3 hours exercise time per week. Participants will receive the other
intervention at 3-month post stroke date. Clinical evaluations will be performed at
baseline, post therapy after first intervention, 3-week post intervention follow up, 3-month
post stroke, post therapy after second intervention, 3-week post second intervention follow
up, and 6-month post stroke follow up visits.

Inclusion Criteria:

- History of a single stroke at least 1 week prior to enrollment

- Upper Extremity weakness measured on a standard clinical scale

- No active major psychiatric problems, or neurological/orthopedic problems affecting
the stroke affected upper extremity

- No active major neurological disease other than the stroke

- Absence of pain in the affected upper extremity

Exclusion Criteria:

- Severe tone at the affected upper extremity as measured on a standard clinical scale

- Severe aphasia as measured on a standard clinical scale

- Severe reduced level of consciousness

- Severe sensory/proprioception deficit at the affected upper extremity as measured on
a standard clinical scale

- Currently pregnant

- Difficulty in understanding or complying with instructions given by the experimenter

- Inability to perform the experimental task that will be studied

- Increased pain with movement of the affected upper extremity
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