Docetaxel With or Without TAK-117 (MLN1117) in Participants With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Conditions:Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 3, 2015
End Date:January 20, 2017

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A Phase 1b/Adaptive Phase 2 Study of Docetaxel With or Without MLN1117 in Patients With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

The purpose of this study is to determine the recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) of TAK-117 when
administered in combination with docetaxel in participants with non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC) and to evaluate efficacy, safety, and tolerability of TAK-117 administered alone and
in combination with docetaxel at the RP2D in participants with locally advanced or metastatic
non-small cell lung cancer.

The drug being evaluated in this study is called TAK-117. TAK-117 is tested in combination
with docetaxel versus docetaxel alone for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer

This study consisted of 2 phases:

- Phase 1b - dose escalation phase

- Phase 2 - expansion phase.

The study enrolled 14 patients with NSCLC who have been treated with multiple prior lines of
therapies will be enrolled for Phase 1b. The participants will receive docetaxel (36 mg/m^2)
intravenous (IV) and TAK-117 tablets, orally administered, once daily in 21-day dosing
cycles. The TAK-117 dose will be escalated until recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) is

Each part of the adaptive Phase 2 portion of the study is designed as a stand-alone,
randomized study evaluating PFS as the primary efficacy measure in a total of 60 participants
between the 2 treatment arms: TAK-117 plus docetaxel versus docetaxel alone. An event-driven
analysis of PFS will be performed after each part of Phase 2. On the basis of the PFS
analysis of the preceding part of the study, the study may be stopped for efficacy or
futility, or proceed to the next part. However, Phase 2 of the study was cancelled.

Study drug will be administered in 21-day dosing cycles. During each phase of the study,
participants will be treated with a maximum of 9 cycles of either docetaxel alone or
docetaxel plus TAK-117. Subsequently, participants treated with docetaxel plus TAK-117 may
continue to receive TAK-117 monotherapy until progression of disease, occurrence of
unacceptable toxicities or death.

The maximum duration of treatment for participants will be 12 months unless it is determined
that a participant would derive benefit from continued treatment beyond 12 months.
Participants will continue to be followed after discontinuation of study drug to collect PFS
and OS data. Participants may withdraw from therapy at any time.

This multicenter trial will be conducted in North America. The overall time to participate in
this study is up to 24 months.

Inclusion Criteria

- Has a histologically and/or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of NSCLC (squamous or

- For Phase 2 of the study, has a diagnosis of mixed squamous and nonsquamous (or
adenosquamous) NSLC.

- Has locally advanced or metastatic disease (Stage IIIb or Stage IV) with
radiographically or clinically evaluable lesions.

- Has experienced failure of at least 1 prior chemotherapy regimen:

- For Phase 2 of the study:

- Participants must have received 1 prior platinum-based chemotherapy regimen
(excluding a docetaxel-containing regimen) for advanced or metastatic (Stage IIIb
or Stage IV) disease followed by documented progressive disease (PD).

- A drug provided as maintenance therapy following cytotoxic chemotherapy will be
considered to be part of that regimen.

- Participants who received prior therapy with paclitaxel as a part of the
platinum-based doublet front-line regimen without PD on therapy.

- Participants who, after the front-line, platinum-based, non-docetaxel containing
chemotherapy, have been treated with 1 line of nivolumab or other
immune-checkpoint inhibitors but progressed on or after the therapy.

- For Phase 1b of the study: Participants who have experienced failure of multiple
lines of prior chemotherapy are eligible.

- For Phase 2, has archived or fresh tumor biopsy samples (obtained during
screening) sufficient for genotyping.

- Has adequate organ function, before the first dose of study drug.

- Has Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status of 0 or 1.

- Female participants who are postmenopausal for at least 1 year before the screening
visit or are surgically sterile, or are of childbearing potential, agree to practice 1
highly effective method and 1 additional effective (barrier) method of contraception,
at the same time, from the time of signing the informed consent through 30 days (or
longer, as mandated by local labeling) after the last dose of study drug, or agree to
practice true abstinence.

- Female participants must agree to not donate eggs (ova) during the course of this
study and for 30 days after receiving their last dose of TAK-117 and, for docetaxel,
for as long as is mandated by local labeling.

- Male participants agree to practice highly effective barrier contraception during the
entire study treatment period and through 120 days after the last dose of TAK-117 and,
for docetaxel, for as long as is mandated by local labeling, or agree to practice true

- Male participants must agree to not donate sperm during the course of the study and
for 120 days after receiving their last dose of TAK-117 and, for docetaxel, for as
long as is mandated by local labeling.

- Has suitable venous access for the study-required blood sampling.

- Has recovered (ie, <= Grade 1 toxicity or eligibility per this protocol is met) from
the reversible effects of prior anticancer therapy.

- In the opinion of the investigator, the participant or legal guardian is capable of
understanding and complying with protocol requirements for the duration of the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Previous treatment with a PI3K or AKT inhibitor.

- Prior cancer therapy or other investigational therapy within 2 weeks before the first
administration of study drug or failed to recover from the reversible effects of prior
anticancer therapies. For prior therapies with a half-life longer than 3 days, the
interval must be at least 28 days before the first administration of study drug, and
the participant must have documented progressive disease.

- Has poorly controlled diabetes mellitus defined as HbA1c > 6.5%.

- Has taken strong inhibitors or strong inducers of CYP3A4 within 14 days before the
first dose of study drug.

- Has taken histamine-H2 receptor antagonists and/or neutralizing antacids within 24
hours before the first administration of study drug.

- Has taken proton pump inhibitors within 7 days before the first administration of
study drug.

- Has a condition that requires the concomitant use of any of the protocol-excluded
medications, supplements, or food products during the course of the study .

- Has any clinically significant co-morbidities.

- Has acute myocardial infarction within 6 months before starting study drug, current or
history of New York Heart Association Class III or IV heart failure; evidence of
current uncontrolled cardiovascular conditions including cardiac arrhythmias, angina,
pulmonary hypertension, or electrocardiogram (ECG) evidence of acute ischemia or
active conduction system abnormalities; Fridericia's corrected QT interval > 475
milliseconds (msec) (males) or > 450 msec (females) on a 12-lead ECG during the
Screening period; or abnormalities on 12-lead ECG including, but not limited to,
changes in rhythm and intervals that in the opinion of the investigator are considered
to be clinically significant.

- Has known, previously diagnosed human immunodeficiency virus infection or active
chronic hepatitis B or C.

- Has brain metastasis, unless has completed definitive therapy, is not on steroids, has
a stable neurologic status for at least 2 weeks after completion of the definitive
therapy and steroids, and does not have neurologic dysfunction that would confound the
evaluation of neurologic and other adverse events.

- Has active secondary malignancy that requires treatment.

- Has any serious medical or psychiatric illness, including drug or alcohol abuse.

- Male participants who intend to donate sperm during the course of this study or 120
days after receiving their last dose of TAK-117 and, for docetaxel, for as long as is
mandated by local labeling.

- Female participants who are lactating and breastfeeding or have a positive serum
pregnancy test during the Screening period or a positive urine pregnancy test on Day 1
before administration of the first dose of study drug.

- Is unwilling or unable to abide by the requirements of the study.
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