Bronx MBCT-Migraine

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Migraine Headaches
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology
Age Range:18 - 65
Start Date:May 2015
End Date:February 2019

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Bronx Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Migraine: a Randomized Clinical Trial

This randomized clinical trial aims to examine the effect of a standardized 8-week course of
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Migraine on migraine-related disability in people
with migraine.

Inclusion Criteria:

- ICHD-3 beta headache diagnosis of migraine,

- self-reported and diary-confirmed 4-20 headache days per month

- aged 18-65

- ability to read English

- capacity to consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

- no ICHD-3 beta headache diagnosis of migraine

- fewer than 4 or greater than 20 headache days per month

- under 18 or over 65

- inability to read English

- lacking the capacity to consent

- utilization of new preventative pain treatments within four weeks of the baseline
assessment, or a plan to utilize new preventive pain medications during the duration
of the study

- severe psychiatric illness that would interfere with participation in the treatment
We found this trial at
Bronx, New York 10033
Phone: 929-224-3984
Bronx, NY
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