Developing an mHealth Application to Improve Cancer Chemotherapy Symptom Management

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - 80
Start Date:October 2014
End Date:November 2015

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This research project addresses critical gaps in cancer symptom management through the
creation of a mobile chemotherapy symptom management application. This application will
assess for the presence and severity of common chemotherapy side-effects and provide
personally tailored symptom-related video and narratives to enhance self-management of
cancer and treatment-related symptoms. This study will examine patient acceptance and use of
this mHealth application (called MyChemoCare) in a prospective trial of cancer patients
(n=60) who are receiving chemotherapy for colorectal cancer at the University of Michigan
Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer

- Expected to live at least 6 months

- Initiating chemotherapy for the first time in their treatment history

- Physically and mentally able to participate

- Able to read English

- Willing and able to sign informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- A treatment plan that does not include cytotoxic chemotherapy for colon or rectal

- A medical history that includes cancer with the exception of in situ cancers of the
cervix and basal cell cancers of the skin

- A current diagnosis that includes multiple cancers (this does not exclude metastatic

- Received prior cytotoxic chemotherapy for any reason

- A diagnosed psychiatric disorder
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